3rd International Summer School on Aggregation Operators

July 10 -15, 2005, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland

Main page Organization Submission Dates Venue Program Registration Support


EUSFLAT: European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology

Eusflat will support 3 students (conference fee 215,- Euros + lodging 150,- Euros).
Application (for Eusflat members only!) should be sent to organizers (struk@math.sk) latest April 15, 2005, including:
  • name, status and affiliation of applicant, name of supervisor
  • title of presentation at AGOP
  • list of publications
  • previous supports offered by Eusflat
Decision will be announced latest April 30, 2005.
Note: Use please Subject: Eusflat support in e-mail with application.

Last update: 22.2.2005