3rd International Summer School on Aggregation Operators

July 10 -15, 2005, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland

Main page Organization Submission Dates Venue Program Registration Support

Instructions for authors:
Deadline for extended abstracts is April 1, 2005.
Deadline for final version of extended abstracts is May 15, 2005.

You can download packed sample files for LaTeX and Word with instructions for authors.

Expected size of submitted contributions is 4-6 pages. In the case of longer/shorter contributions contact the program chairs.

Package for LaTeX contains .sty file with style that have to be used, example .tex file with instructions and .eps graphic file which is needed in the example file.

Package for Word contains example .doc file with instructions and .wmf graphic file which is used in the example file.

You send your submission files to struk@math.sk with Subject: AGOP-Submission.

Last update: 11.3.2005