Lunch subscription
Search engines
Travel schedules and maps
Dictionaries and translation tools
Phone books
Weather forecasts
IDOS - Czech and Slovak trains and buses travel schedules
Slovak trains and buses travel schedules
Eurolines - buses from Slovakia to the rest of world
City traffic of Bratislava
German railways
Italian railways
Map of Slovakia
Map of Bratislava
Slovanet dictionary (sk->en,de->en,de->sk)
LangSoft dictionary (sk->n,de,fr,it,es,ru; en,de,fr,it,es,ru->sk)
Babel fish - multilanguage translation tool
Phone book of slovak Telecom
Phone book of czech Telecom
Phone book of german Telecom
Phone book of austrian Telecom
Slovak institute of hydrometeorology
10-day forecast for Bratislava
10-day temperature outlook for Europe
Czech institute of hydrometeorology
EMIS - The European Mathematical Information Service
AMS - American Mathematical Society
Repository of mathematical informations
SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
International Quantum Structure Association
Graph Theory Journals
AMUC - Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae
Mathematica Bohemica
Journal KVANT
Another link at journal KVANT
Planet "Mathematics" (KVANT etc.)
KMaDGWiki: ZaujimaveLinkyEn (last edited 2009-09-07 11:22:39 by jenca)