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Mária Ždímalová

Email: <>

Email: <maria.zdimalova@stubask>






Diploma Thesis: Harry Potter a metlotika

Dissertation Thesis: Large vertex transitive and Cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter

Habilitation Thesis: Networks with special properties and their applications

Editorial Team:

Reviewer Board:


Mathematics WOS, Symmetry WOS, Applied Sciences WOS, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics WOS, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society WOS, Indonesian Journal of Combinatorics, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology WOS, Journal of Building Engineering, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Mathematical Problemss in Engineering (, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Algorithms, Springer Books Chapters, conferences and workshops (e.g. Zamat, ...), The Journal Biuletyn of Polish Society for Geometry and Engineering Graphics (, Discrete Mathematics Leetters, Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, Journal of Environmental Biology and others...


VAVRÍKOVÁ, Lucia - ŽDÍMALOVÁ, Mária. Cvičenia z matematiky I : riešené príklady. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Spektrum STU, 2017. 215 s. Edícia skrípt. ISBN 978-80-227-4693-9.

ŽDÍMALOVÁ Mária, MATEMATIKA V ARCHITEKTÚRE, 1. vyd. Bratislava : Spektrum STU, 2022, 288 s., Edícia skrípt. ISBN 978-80-227-5184-1


Conference Talks and Conference participants:

Talks at Seminars, Invited talks in the Universities and Summer schools:

Researcher stays:


Member of the Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicians

Member of the Slovak Mathematics Company

Member of European Woman in Mathematics

Students' Promotion Activities:

2011 – 2012 BSc. Tomáš Bohumel, Bacheleor Thesis, Graph Cutting and their applications

2012 BSc. Tomáš Bohumel, Using Graph Algorithms for finding max flow

2012 BSc. Tomáš Bohumel, Using Graph Algorithms for finding max flow

2014 BSc. Richard Rožňovják, Bachelor Thesis, Data Mining of Networks

2015 Jozef Major, Simmultaning annhealing and its application in the graph

2015 Jozef Major, Simmullaning anhealing and its application in the graph

2015 Jozef Major, Bachleor Thesis, Simmultaning anhealing and its application in the

2016 Richard Rožňovják, Using of Graph algorithms in image processing using

2017 Jozef Major, Graph algorithms and their handling with Bio-Medical data, Diploma Thesis

2018 Dominik Zatkalík, Image processing from Graph Theory Approach, Bachelor Thesis

2018 Ondrej Sova, Analyzing of Bio-Medical Data with minimization algorithms, Diploma Thesis

2022 Kristína Boratková,Bachelor theses

2023 Marián Vrábel, Bachelor theses, FEI STU in Bratislava, Slovakia

2024 Nicolas Tóth, Bachelor theses, FEI STU in Bratislava, Slovakia

2024 Nikita Fedorin, Bachelor Theses, FEI in Bratislava, Slovakia

2024 Kristína Boratková, Diploma These, SvF in Bratislava, Slovakia

2019- present Anuprava Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Professional Activities:

2011 Member of the committe in the international Czech – Slovak student university

2012 Organizator of the internation Czech – Slovak student university competition

2013 Organizator of the seminar: 12.04. 2013 – 13.04. 2013 Seminar of Mathematical

2013 Organisation of the international conference GEMS 2013 in Smolenice (Graphs,

2014- Organizator of the seminar: 7. 2. 2014 – 8.2. 2014 Seminar of Mathematical

2017- Member of the committe in the international Czech – Slovak student university

2018- Member of the committe in the international Czech – Slovak student university

2019- Faces of Geometries, Member of scientific committe of the conference From Agnesi to Mirzikhani, Milano, Polytecnica de Milano, May, Italy

2020- Faces of Geometries, II Second Edition, Member of scientific comitte of the conference From Agnesi to Mirzikhani, Milano, Polytecnica de Milano, May, Italy

External examiner for PHD:

Project: Bio - informatics: Graph theory approach and others methods to image processing:

Common work with Dominik Zatkalík: Image processing from graph theory approach: Push Relabel and Ford Fulkerson algorithm in mage processing" Program segmentation: Program segmentacia

Common work with Tomas Bohumel, Weisman Peter, El Faloughy Hisham: Cell analysis Program segmentation: segmentation1 segmentation2 segmentation3 segmentation4

Common work Richard Roznovjak, Dijkstra algorithm and intelligent scissors: interactive segmentation: dijkstra&intelligent-scissors

Common work with Jozef Major, Graph Theory approach to image processing

Common work with Anuprava Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Cooperation with Commenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Medical Faculty and Slovak Academy of Science


Bridge between mathematics and architecture, art, fashion, design

Cooperation with Italy



Mathematics in Architecture:
