Differences between revisions 31 and 74 (spanning 43 versions)
Revision 31 as of 2015-02-10 05:10:22
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Editor: zdimalova
Revision 74 as of 2016-01-23 06:18:11
Size: 11515
Editor: zdimalova
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 * Calculus for Architecture
 * Mathematics in Architecture
 * Graph theory
 * Calculus for Architecture http://archmath.webnode.sk/
 * Mathematics in Architecture  http://archmath.webnode.sk/
 * Graph Theory
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 * Education in Mathematics
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===Editorial Team: ===
* Indonesian Journal of Graph Theory http://www.ijc.or.id/index.php/ijc/about/editorialTeam
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 * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson, transform, 2014, submitted
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 * M. Ždímalová , Z. Krivá , T. Bohumel, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3  * G. Araujo-Padro, C. M. Balbuena, M. Miller, M. Ždímalová, A family of dense mixed graphs of diameter 2, submitted
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 * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA  * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson transform, submitted

 * M. Ždímalová , Z. Krivá , T. Bohumel, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3 (2015)

 * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA (2014)
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 * M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona  * M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona (2013)
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* M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8.
 * M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8. (2013)
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 * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science         
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 * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600. (2012)
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           * M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics  * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.

 * J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., (2011).
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 * M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics

 * Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5.
 * M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH] (2011)
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 * M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, (2011)
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 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600.
 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3 (2010)
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 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.
 * M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216. (2010)
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 * J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., 2011.  * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240. (2010)
Line 79: Line 87:
 * M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH]  * M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444, (2010)

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9. (2009)
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 * M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, 2011.  * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120. (2009)
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 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3.

 * M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240.

 * M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120.

 * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science (2009)
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 * M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics (2006)
Line 113: Line 104:
 * M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123.  * Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5. (2004)

 * M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics (2004)

 * M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123. (2004)
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=== Conference Talks: ===

 * MAGIA 2004, Kočovce, Slovakia
 * ISCAM 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia
 * GRAPHS' 2008 Zadov, Czech Rebublik
 * CYCLES AND COLOURINGS 2008, Tatanská Štrba, Slovakia
 * ISCAMI' 09, Malenovice, Czech Rebublic
 * GRAPHS' 09, Terchová, Slovakia
 * CYCLES AND COLOURINGS 2009, Tatanská Štrba, Slovakia
 * MAGIA 2009, Kočovce, Slovakia
 * 70. VÝROČIE Svf STU Bratislava, 2009, Slovakia
 * ISCAMI' 010 Bratislava, Slovakia
 * IWONT 2010, Barcelona, Spain
 * MAGIA 2010, Kočovce, Slovakia
 * GRAPHS' 11, Šachtičky, Slovakia
 * IWONT 2011, Brussels, Belgium
 * IWONT 2012, Bandung, Indonesia
 * 8 – TH SYMPOZIUM ON GRAPH THEORY, 2013, Košice, Slovakia
 * ACCGT 2014, and Winter School from harmonic functions 2014, Sepetna, CzechRepublic, 2014
 * IWONT 2014, A family of dense mixed Moore graphs of diameter two, common work with Gabriela Arraujo Pardo(Mexico), Mirka Miller(Australia and Czech Republic), Camino Balbuen(Spain)a, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014
 * 19.12.2014 Seminar from Uncertainty Modeling 2014, Archimedean copulas and the Williamson Transform, common work with Tomáš Bacigál, STU in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Slovakia
 * Aplimat 2015, Sjf STU in Bratislava, Gruph cuts in image processing, Bratislava, Slovakia, common work with Zuzana Kriva and Tomas Bohumel, Slovakia, 2015,
 * COSENZA 2015, Mathematics in art, design and eco-eco design, Calabria University, Italy, talk by skype, 2015
 * MAGIA 2015, Graph agregation, Kočovce, 2015
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=== Talks at Seminars, Invited talks in the Universities and Summer schools: ===
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 * Nontraditional Approach for teaching mathematics (Summer School Pytagoras , Slovakia, 2004)
 * Bratislava's seminar on graph theory (2010)
 * Bratislava's seminar on graph theory (November 2011)
 * Seminar Barcelona (Jannuary 2011), COMGRAPH Seminar , UPC Barcelona, Spain
 * Lecture from history and philosophy of graph theory, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, FCE STU in Bratislava, 2012, Slovakia
 * Lecture about FG moduls and groups, Seminar, FCHPT, SVF STU in Bratislava, 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia
 * Graph Theory and its applications, Seminar for teachers and students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2013
 * Lecture from history and philosophy of graph theory, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, FCE STU in Bratislava, 2013, Slovakia
 * Graph Theory, Seminar for teachers and students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014
 * Additive generators of copulas and Williamson „n“-transform, Seminar from uncertanity modelling, CVE, STU Bratislava, 2. April 2014, Slovakia
 * Graph Theory and its applications, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014, (2 lectures)
 * Invited talk, Seminar in Lleida, Covering tecnique in the degree diameter probem and Voltage assignment approach, University in Lleida, Spain, November 2014,
 * Invited talk, Extremal graphs of given degree and diameter, November 2014, Department de Mathematica, Univeristy in Lleida, Spain
 * Invited talks: Mathemathetical dayes with Maria Zdimalova, 14. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Science, Math Department, University in Trabzon, Turkey, 8 lectures form Graphs theory and group theory, Mathematical dayes with Maria Zdimalova , Erasmus + Program, The course devoted to the Graph Theory and Group Theory, Mathematical Dayes on Graph Theory with Maria Zdimalova, Math. Department. Trabzon, Turkey, April 2015, http://www.ktu.edu.tr/matematik-etkinlik9091
 * University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week, November), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez, Summer School from Discrete Mathematics, July 2015
 * University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week, November), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez, A seminar talk: Maria Zdimalova, Nacho Lopez, Hebert Peres-Roses, Extremal graphs of given degree and diameter, (December 2015, one week), 2015
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=== Researcher stays: ===
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 *2004 – Univerity of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic (one month)
 *2010 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week, November)
 *2011 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week January)
 *2013 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week June)
 *2013 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week October)
 *2014 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week November)
 *2015 - Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Science, Math Department, University in Trabzon, Turkey,
          Erasmus + Project, (one week April)
 *2015 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week,
           July), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez
 *2015 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week,
          December), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez

Mária Ždímalová

Email: <zdimalova@math.sk>




  • Graph Theory
  • Uncertainty Modelling
  • Graph Cutting
  • Data Mining
  • Education in Mathematics

Diploma Thesis: Harry Potter a metlotika

Dissertation Thesis: Large vertex transitive and Cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter

===Editorial Team: === * Indonesian Journal of Graph Theory http://www.ijc.or.id/index.php/ijc/about/editorialTeam


  • G. Araujo-Padro, C. M. Balbuena, M. Miller, M. Ždímalová, A family of dense mixed graphs of diameter 2, submitted
  • T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson transform, submitted
  • M. Ždímalová , Z. Krivá , T. Bohumel, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3 (2015)
  • T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA (2014)
  • M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona (2013)
  • M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8. (2013)
  • C. Balbuena, M. Miller, J. Širáň, M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive graphs of diameter two from biaffine planes, Discrete Mathematics, (19) 2014-2019 (2013)
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600. (2012)
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.
  • J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., (2011).
  • M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH] (2011)
  • M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, (2011)
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3 (2010)
  • M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216. (2010)
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240. (2010)
  • M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444, (2010)
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9. (2009)
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120. (2009)
  • M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science (2009)
  • M. Ždímalová, Which Kautz digraphs of diameter two are Cayley digraphs?, Proc. Int. Conf. 70 Years of FCE STU, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-2979 (2008).
  • M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics (2006)
  • Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5. (2004)
  • M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics (2004)
  • M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123. (2004)

Conference Talks:

  • MAGIA 2004, Kočovce, Slovakia
  • ISCAM 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • GRAPHS' 2008 Zadov, Czech Rebublik
  • CYCLES AND COLOURINGS 2008, Tatanská Štrba, Slovakia
  • ISCAMI' 09, Malenovice, Czech Rebublic
  • GRAPHS' 09, Terchová, Slovakia
  • CYCLES AND COLOURINGS 2009, Tatanská Štrba, Slovakia
  • MAGIA 2009, Kočovce, Slovakia
  • 70. VÝROČIE Svf STU Bratislava, 2009, Slovakia
  • ISCAMI' 010 Bratislava, Slovakia
  • IWONT 2010, Barcelona, Spain
  • MAGIA 2010, Kočovce, Slovakia
  • GRAPHS' 11, Šachtičky, Slovakia
  • IWONT 2011, Brussels, Belgium
  • IWONT 2012, Bandung, Indonesia
  • 8 – TH SYMPOZIUM ON GRAPH THEORY, 2013, Košice, Slovakia
  • ACCGT 2014, and Winter School from harmonic functions 2014, Sepetna, CzechRepublic, 2014

  • IWONT 2014, A family of dense mixed Moore graphs of diameter two, common work with Gabriela Arraujo Pardo(Mexico), Mirka Miller(Australia and Czech Republic), Camino Balbuen(Spain)a, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014
  • 19.12.2014 Seminar from Uncertainty Modeling 2014, Archimedean copulas and the Williamson Transform, common work with Tomáš Bacigál, STU in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Slovakia
  • Aplimat 2015, Sjf STU in Bratislava, Gruph cuts in image processing, Bratislava, Slovakia, common work with Zuzana Kriva and Tomas Bohumel, Slovakia, 2015,
  • COSENZA 2015, Mathematics in art, design and eco-eco design, Calabria University, Italy, talk by skype, 2015
  • MAGIA 2015, Graph agregation, Kočovce, 2015

Talks at Seminars, Invited talks in the Universities and Summer schools:

  • Nontraditional Approach for teaching mathematics (Summer School Pytagoras , Slovakia, 2004)
  • Bratislava's seminar on graph theory (2010)
  • Bratislava's seminar on graph theory (November 2011)
  • Seminar Barcelona (Jannuary 2011), COMGRAPH Seminar , UPC Barcelona, Spain
  • Lecture from history and philosophy of graph theory, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, FCE STU in Bratislava, 2012, Slovakia
  • Lecture about FG moduls and groups, Seminar, FCHPT, SVF STU in Bratislava, 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Graph Theory and its applications, Seminar for teachers and students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2013
  • Lecture from history and philosophy of graph theory, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, FCE STU in Bratislava, 2013, Slovakia
  • Graph Theory, Seminar for teachers and students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014
  • Additive generators of copulas and Williamson „n“-transform, Seminar from uncertanity modelling, CVE, STU Bratislava, 2. April 2014, Slovakia
  • Graph Theory and its applications, students of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2014, (2 lectures)
  • Invited talk, Seminar in Lleida, Covering tecnique in the degree diameter probem and Voltage assignment approach, University in Lleida, Spain, November 2014,
  • Invited talk, Extremal graphs of given degree and diameter, November 2014, Department de Mathematica, Univeristy in Lleida, Spain
  • Invited talks: Mathemathetical dayes with Maria Zdimalova, 14. Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Science, Math Department, University in Trabzon, Turkey, 8 lectures form Graphs theory and group theory, Mathematical dayes with Maria Zdimalova , Erasmus + Program, The course devoted to the Graph Theory and Group Theory, Mathematical Dayes on Graph Theory with Maria Zdimalova, Math. Department. Trabzon, Turkey, April 2015, http://www.ktu.edu.tr/matematik-etkinlik9091

  • University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week, November), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez, Summer School from Discrete Mathematics, July 2015
  • University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week, November), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez, A seminar talk: Maria Zdimalova, Nacho Lopez, Hebert Peres-Roses, Extremal graphs of given degree and diameter, (December 2015, one week), 2015

Researcher stays:

  • 2004 – Univerity of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic (one month)
  • 2010 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week, November)
  • 2011 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week January)
  • 2013 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week June)
  • 2013 – Universitad Polytechnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (one week October)
  • 2014 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week November)
  • 2015 - Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Science, Math Department, University in Trabzon, Turkey,
    • Erasmus + Project, (one week April)
  • 2015 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week,
    • July), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez
  • 2015 – University in Lleida, Research and Teacher stay in the University in Lleida, Spain, (one week,
    • December), hosted by Dr. Nacho Lopez


KMaDGWiki: zdimalova (last edited 2025-01-08 09:20:29 by zdimalova)