Differences between revisions 27 and 32 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 27 as of 2015-02-07 14:49:51
Size: 5766
Editor: zdimalova
Revision 32 as of 2015-02-10 05:12:38
Size: 6201
Editor: zdimalova
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson transform, 2014, submitted
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 * M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123.  * M. Ždímalová , Z. Krivá , T. Bohumel, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3
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 * M. Ždímalová, Which Kautz digraphs of diameter two are Cayley digraphs?, Proc. Int. Conf. 70 Years of FCE STU, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-2979 (2008).  * T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA
Line 35: Line 36:
 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120.
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 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9.  * M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona
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 * M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444.
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 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240.
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 * M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3.

 * M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, 2011.

 * M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH]

 * J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., 2011.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600.

 * Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5.

 * M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics
 * M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics
 * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
 * M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8.
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 * M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8.
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 * M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona  * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
Line 72: Line 49:
 * Bacigál, Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA
Line 74: Line 50:
 * Ždímalová Mária, Krivá Zuzana, Bohumel Tomáš, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3  * M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
Line 76: Line 52:
 * Bacigál, Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson, transform, 2014, submitted

           * M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics

 * M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics

 * Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.

 * J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., 2011.

 * M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH]

 * M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, 2011.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3.

 * M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240.

 * M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444.

 * M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9.

 * Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120.

 * M. Ždímalová, Which Kautz digraphs of diameter two are Cayley digraphs?, Proc. Int. Conf. 70 Years of FCE STU, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-2979 (2008).

 * M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123.


Mária Ždímalová

Email: <zdimalova@math.sk>


  • Calculus I, II
  • Calculus for Architecture
  • Mathematics in Architecture
  • Graph theory


  • Graph Theory
  • Uncertainty Modelling
  • Graph Cutting
  • Data Mining

Diploma Thesis: Harry Potter a metlotika

Dissertation Thesis: Large vertex transitive and Cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter


  • T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Approxiamation of Archimedean copulas via the Williamson transform, 2014, submitted
  • M. Ždímalová , Z. Krivá , T. Bohumel, Graph cuts in image processing, APLIMAT 2015, 14 th Conference on Applied Mathematics, Proceedings in Scopus, Institute of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-4314-3
  • T. Bacigál, M. Ždímalová: Additive generators of copulas and Williamson’s n transform,ZAMAT 2014, Proceeding from applied mathematics, ISBN 978-80-8959- 17-8, UIAM FCHPT, STU in BRATISLAVA
  • M. Ždímalová, Výskumný pobyt na univerzite v Barcelone. Spektrum : periodikum Slovenskej technickej univerzity v Bratislave Roč.20, č.2. zv. 2, s. 8. ISSN 1336-2593. Research stay in the UPC in Barcelona
  • M. Ždímalová, A note on the construction of large graphs and diagraphs of given degree and diameter, Uncertainty Modelling 2013 : Proceedings. Bratislava,SR,10.10.2013. Bratislava: Publisher STU, 2013, s. 73--78. ISBN 978-80-227-4067-8.
  • C. Balbuena, M. Miller, J. Širáň, M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive graphs of diameter two from biaffine planes, Discrete Mathematics, (19) 2014-2019 (2013)
  • M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
  • M. Gondová, M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k vyučovaniu prírodných vied. In PYTAGORAS 2009 : Zborník príspevkov z letnej školy z teórie vyučovania matematiky/Hronec pri Brezne, 4.-11.7.2009. Bratislava: P-MAT, n.o., 2009, s. 37--41. ISBN 978-80-89370-01-6.(Slovak)...Nontraditional approach for teaching science
  • M. Ždímalová, Poznávame zmysly a zmyslami, In: Pytagoras 2006, Letná škola z teórie vyučovania matematiky, Hronec, 2.7-9.7. 2006, Zborník Príspevkov,Vydavateľ P-MAT, n.o., Bratislava, (2006), 110.(Slovak), ... Learning by oursef and mathematics
  • M. Ždímalová, Netradičný prístup k Vyučovaniu matematiky, In: PYTAGORAS 2004, Zborník príspevkov, Kováčová pri Zvolene, 3. - 10.7 2004, Zvolen, Jednota Slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, ISBN 80-89194-X, (2004), 125.- 129. (Slovak).....Nontraditional approach for teaching of mathematics
  • Bacigál Tomáš, Korbašová Michaela, Villim Andrej, Ždímalová Mária, Variance Components Estimate in 2D Geodetic Network. In INGEO 2004 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering Surveying : FIG Regional Central and Eastern European Conference/November 11-13, 2004.Bratislava, Slovakia, Bratislava: International Federation of Surveyors, 2004, ISBN 87-90907-34-5.
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, The automorphism group of Comellas Fiol digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 9(2), 2012, pp. 187--193. ISSN 0972-8600.
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Large digraphs of given diameter and degree from coverings. In: IWONT 2010: Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies. 9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, pp. 373--378. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3.
  • J. Širáň, J. Šiagiová, M. Ždímalová, Large graphs of diameter two and given degree. In IWONT 2010 : Proceedings.3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies.Barcelona,9.-11.6.2010. Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2011, s. 347--359. ISBN 978-84-7653-565-3., 2011.
  • M. Ždímalová, Large vertex-transitive and cayley graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2011. 98 pp.ISBN 978-80-227-3449-3 [MONOGRAPH]
  • M. Ždímalová, A note on large Cayley graphs of diameter two and given degree, Acta Politechnica Hungarica, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8(3), pp. 57--64. ISSN 1785-8860, 2011.
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Computer results on the size of the automorphism group of Comellas-Fiol digraphs. In: P. Struk, MAGIA 2010 :Mathematics, geometry and their applications, Conference Proceedings. Kočovce,SR,12.-14.11.2010. Bratislava: STU v Bratislave SvF, 2010, pp. 75--80.ISBN 978-80-227-3423-3.
  • M. Ždímalová, M. Olejár, Large Cayley digraphs of given degree and diameter from sharply t-transitive groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 47(2010), pp. 211-216.
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Which Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs are Cayley digraphs?, Discrete Mathematics 310 (17-18), 2010, pp. 2238-2240.
  • M. Ždímalová, Revisiting the Comellas-Fiol-Gómez constructions of large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Discrete Mathematics 310 (9), 2010, pp. 1439-1444.
  • M. Ždímalová, Ľ. Staneková, Asymptotic comparison of two constructions for large digraphs of given degree and diameter, Acta Math. Univ. Ostraviensis 17, 2009, pp. 5-9.
  • Ľ. Staneková, M. Ždímalová, Line-digraphs and Faber-Moore-Chen digraphs, MAGIA 2009 Proceedings, FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3207-9(2009), pp. 117-120.
  • M. Ždímalová, Which Kautz digraphs of diameter two are Cayley digraphs?, Proc. Int. Conf. 70 Years of FCE STU, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-2979 (2008).
  • M. Ždímalová, Diameter-two lifts of dipoles, in: MAGIA 2004 Proceedings,FCE STU Bratislava, ISBN 80-227-2165-4 (2004), pp. 119-123.


KMaDGWiki: zdimalova (last edited 2024-09-25 06:35:53 by zdimalova)