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 * Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci, Carlo Sempi: Shuffles of copulas. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications '''352''' (2009) 914-921. AMS-MSC: 60E05 28D05
 * Milan Petrik, Peter Sarkoci: Convex combinations of continuous nilpotent t-norms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications '''350''' (2009) 271-275. AMS-MSC: 20M14 39B52 (53A60 14C21 03B52 03E72)
 * Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: On representations of 2-increasing binary aggregation functions. Information Sciences '''178''' (2008) 4534-4541. AMS-MSC: 39B62 26B35 60E05
 * Peter Sarkoci: Dominance is not transitive on continuous triangular norms. Aequationes Mathematicae '''75''' (2008) 201-207. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70)
 * Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci: A note on the convex combinations of triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''159''' (2008) 77-80. AMS-MSC: 62H05 (60E05)
 * Fabrizio Durante, Erich Peter Klement, José Juan Quesada-Molina, Peter Sarkoci: Remarks on two product-like constructions for copulas. Kybernetika '''43''' (2007) 235-244. AMS-MSC: 60E05
 * Susanne Saminger, Peter Sarkoci, Bernard De Baets: The dominance relation on the class of continuous t-norms from and ordinal sum point of view. Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence '''4342''' (2006) 319-334. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70)
 * Peter Sarkoci: Domination in the families of Frank and Hamacher t-norms. Kybernetika (Prague) '''41''' (2005) 349-360. AMS-MSC: 26D15
 * Peter Sarkoci, Michal Sabo: Information boundedness principle in fuzzy inference process. Kybernetika (Prague) '''38''' (2002) 327-338. AMS-MSC: 03B52 (68T37)
## page was renamed from Homepages/sarkoci/PublishedManuscripta
 1. Ľubomíra Horanská, Peter Sarkoci: A Note on the Copulas Invariant with Respect to $(a,b)$-transformation. '''378''' (2020) 157-164. [[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2018.10.020|(link)]]
 1. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Continuous weakly cancellative triangular subnorms: I. Their web-geometric properties. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''332''' (2018) 93-110. [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2017.04.010|(link)]]
 1. Libor Běhounek, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Petr Cintula, Susane Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: Graded Dominance and Related Graded Properties of Fuzzy Connectives. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''262''' (2015) 78-101. [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2014.04.025|(link)]]
 1. Karol Mikula, Mariana Remešíková, Peter Sarkoci, Daniel Ševčovič: Manifold Evolution with Tangential Redistribution of Points. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. '''36''' (2014) A1384-A1414. AMS-MSC: 53C44 65M08 65M50 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/130927668|(link)]]
 1. Peter Sarkoci: Dominance of Ordinal Sums of the Łukasiewicz and the Product Triangular Norm (2009). Mathematical Inequalities and Applications '''17''' (2014) 335-347. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.7153/mia-17-26|(link)]]
 1. Gejza Jenča, Peter Sarkoci: Linear Extensions and Order-Preserving Poset Partitions. Journal of Combinatorial Theory A '''122''' (2014) 28-38. AMS-MSC: 06A07 37F20 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcta.2013.09.010|(link)]]
 1. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Associativity of Triangular Norms Characterized by the Geometry of Their Level-Sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''202''' (2012) 100-109. AMS-MSC: 39B52 53A60 03B52 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2012.01.008|(link)]]
 1. Radko Mesiar, Peter Sarkoci: Open Problems Posed at the Tenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (FSTA 2010, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia). Kybernetika '''46''' (2010) 585-599. AMS-MSC: 03E72 06F25 60E05 [[http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2010/4/585|(link)]]
 1. Mirko Navara, Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Explicit Formulas for Generators of Triangular Norms. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen '''77''' (2010) 171-191. AMS-MSC: 03E72 20M14 26B05 39B22 54E70
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Rachele Foschi, Peter Sarkoci: Distorted Copulas: Constructions and Tail Dependence. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods '''39''' (2010) 2288-2301. AMS-MSC: 60E05 62H20 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03610920903039506|(link)]]
 1. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Zero-reconstructible Triangular Norms as Universal Approximators. Neural Network World '''20''' (2010) 63-67. AMS-MSC: 20M14 39B22 [[http://www.nnw.cz/obsahy10.html#1-2010|(link)]]
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: Rectangular patchwork for bivariate copulas and tail dependence. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods '''38''' (2009) 2515-2527. AMS-MSC: 62H05 60E05 65C05 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03610920802571203|(link)]]
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci, Carlo Sempi: Shuffles of copulas. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications '''352''' (2009) 914-921. AMS-MSC: 60E05 28D05 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.11.064|(link)]]
 1. Milan Petrik, Peter Sarkoci: Convex combinations of continuous nilpotent t-norms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications '''350''' (2009) 271-275. AMS-MSC: 20M14 39B52 (53A60 14C21 03B52 03E72) [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.09.060|(link)]]
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: On representations of 2-increasing binary aggregation functions. Information Sciences '''178''' (2008) 4534-4541. AMS-MSC: 39B62 26B35 60E05 [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2008.08.004|(link)]]
 1. Peter Sarkoci: Dominance is not transitive on continuous triangular norms. Aequationes Mathematicae '''75''' (2008) 201-207. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70) [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00010-007-2915-5|(link)]]
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci: A note on the convex combinations of triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''159''' (2008) 77-80. AMS-MSC: 62H05 (60E05) [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2007.07.005|(link)]]
 1. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Peter Klement, José Juan Quesada-Molina, Peter Sarkoci: Remarks on two product-like constructions for copulas. Kybernetika '''43''' (2007) 235-244. AMS-MSC: 60E05 [[http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2007/2/235|(link)]]
 1. Susanne Saminger, Peter Sarkoci, Bernard De Baets: The dominance relation on the class of continuous t-norms from an ordinal sum point of view. Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence '''4342''' (2006) 319-334. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70) [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11964810_16|(link)]]
 1. Peter Sarkoci: Domination in the families of Frank and Hamacher t-norms. Kybernetika (Prague) '''41''' (2005) 349-360. AMS-MSC: 26D15 [[http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2005/3/349|(link)]]
 1. Peter Sarkoci, Michal Sabo: Information boundedness principle in fuzzy inference process. Kybernetika (Prague) '''38''' (2002) 327-338. AMS-MSC: 03B52 (68T37) [[http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2002/3/327|(link)]]
  1. Ľubomíra Horanská, Peter Sarkoci: A Note on the Copulas Invariant with Respect to $(a,b)$-transformation. 378 (2020) 157-164. (link)

  2. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Continuous weakly cancellative triangular subnorms: I. Their web-geometric properties. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 332 (2018) 93-110. (link)

  3. Libor Běhounek, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Petr Cintula, Susane Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: Graded Dominance and Related Graded Properties of Fuzzy Connectives. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 262 (2015) 78-101. (link)

  4. Karol Mikula, Mariana Remešíková, Peter Sarkoci, Daniel Ševčovič: Manifold Evolution with Tangential Redistribution of Points. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36 (2014) A1384-A1414. AMS-MSC: 53C44 65M08 65M50 (link)

  5. Peter Sarkoci: Dominance of Ordinal Sums of the Łukasiewicz and the Product Triangular Norm (2009). Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 17 (2014) 335-347. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (link)

  6. Gejza Jenča, Peter Sarkoci: Linear Extensions and Order-Preserving Poset Partitions. Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 122 (2014) 28-38. AMS-MSC: 06A07 37F20 (link)

  7. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Associativity of Triangular Norms Characterized by the Geometry of Their Level-Sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 202 (2012) 100-109. AMS-MSC: 39B52 53A60 03B52 (link)

  8. Radko Mesiar, Peter Sarkoci: Open Problems Posed at the Tenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (FSTA 2010, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia). Kybernetika 46 (2010) 585-599. AMS-MSC: 03E72 06F25 60E05 (link)

  9. Mirko Navara, Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Explicit Formulas for Generators of Triangular Norms. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 77 (2010) 171-191. AMS-MSC: 03E72 20M14 26B05 39B22 54E70

  10. Fabrizio Durante, Rachele Foschi, Peter Sarkoci: Distorted Copulas: Constructions and Tail Dependence. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 39 (2010) 2288-2301. AMS-MSC: 60E05 62H20 (link)

  11. Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Zero-reconstructible Triangular Norms as Universal Approximators. Neural Network World 20 (2010) 63-67. AMS-MSC: 20M14 39B22 (link)

  12. Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: Rectangular patchwork for bivariate copulas and tail dependence. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 38 (2009) 2515-2527. AMS-MSC: 62H05 60E05 65C05 (link)

  13. Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci, Carlo Sempi: Shuffles of copulas. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 352 (2009) 914-921. AMS-MSC: 60E05 28D05 (link)

  14. Milan Petrik, Peter Sarkoci: Convex combinations of continuous nilpotent t-norms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 350 (2009) 271-275. AMS-MSC: 20M14 39B52 (53A60 14C21 03B52 03E72) (link)

  15. Fabrizio Durante, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Peter Sarkoci: On representations of 2-increasing binary aggregation functions. Information Sciences 178 (2008) 4534-4541. AMS-MSC: 39B62 26B35 60E05 (link)

  16. Peter Sarkoci: Dominance is not transitive on continuous triangular norms. Aequationes Mathematicae 75 (2008) 201-207. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70) (link)

  17. Fabrizio Durante, Peter Sarkoci: A note on the convex combinations of triangular norms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (2008) 77-80. AMS-MSC: 62H05 (60E05) (link)

  18. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Peter Klement, José Juan Quesada-Molina, Peter Sarkoci: Remarks on two product-like constructions for copulas. Kybernetika 43 (2007) 235-244. AMS-MSC: 60E05 (link)

  19. Susanne Saminger, Peter Sarkoci, Bernard De Baets: The dominance relation on the class of continuous t-norms from an ordinal sum point of view. Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence 4342 (2006) 319-334. AMS-MSC: 26D07 39B62 (54E70) (link)

  20. Peter Sarkoci: Domination in the families of Frank and Hamacher t-norms. Kybernetika (Prague) 41 (2005) 349-360. AMS-MSC: 26D15 (link)

  21. Peter Sarkoci, Michal Sabo: Information boundedness principle in fuzzy inference process. Kybernetika (Prague) 38 (2002) 327-338. AMS-MSC: 03B52 (68T37) (link)

KMaDGWiki: sarkoci/PublishedManuscripta (last edited 2024-09-26 12:13:09 by sarkoci)