Uncertainty modelling

minisymposium under the OMG-Tagung-CSASC 2011 conference
Donau-Universität Krems, Austria
September 25-28, 2011


The OMG-Tagung-CSASC 2011 conference is organized by the Austrian Mathematical Society (OeMG) together with the Donau-Universität Krems in collaboration with the Catalan, Czech, Slovak, and Slovenian Mathematical Societies.

Within the conference there will be plenary-talks, minisymposia on special topics and two special sessions for teachers. Our department organizes a minisymposium "Uncertainty modelling" taking place on Sunday (25.9.) and Tuesday (27.9.) afternoon.


Participants are invited to register online and to give a contributed talk providing short abstract of no more than 999 characters. The regular conference fee is 130 Euro and for students 80 Euro, while the members of Math. Society are charged 100/60 Euro.

Important Dates

Registration due:

July 31, 2010

1st day of minisymposium:

September 25, 2011

2nd day of minisymposium:

September 27, 2011

KMaDGWiki: krems2011 (last edited 2011-07-12 13:12:49 by bacigal)