Attachment 'HatchMaker.lsp'
Download 1 ;;;CADALYST 10/05 Tip 2065: HatchMaker.lsp Hatch Maker (c) 2005 Larry Schiele
3 ;;;* ====== B E G I N C O D E N O W ======
4 ;;;* HatchMaker.lsp written by Lanny Schiele at TMI Systems Design Corporation
5 ;;;*
6 ;;;* Tested on AutoCAD 2002 & 2006. -- does include a 'VL' function -- should work on Acad2000 on up.
8 (defun C:DrawHatch (/)
9 (command "undo" "be")
10 (setq os (getvar "OSMODE"))
11 (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
12 (command "UCS" "w")
13 (command "PLINE" "0,0" "0,1" "1,1" "1,0" "c")
14 (command "zoom" "c" "0.5,0.5" 1.1)
15 (setvar "OSMODE" os)
16 (setvar "SNAPMODE" 1)
17 (setvar "SNAPUNIT" (list 0.01 0.01))
18 (command "undo" "e")
19 (alert
20 "Draw pattern within 1x1 box using LINE or POINT entities only..."
21 )
22 (princ)
23 )
25 (defun C:SaveHatch (/ round dxf ListToFile
26 user SelSet SelSetSize ssNth
27 Ent EntInfo EntType pt1 pt2
28 Dist AngTo AngFrom XDir YDir
29 Gap DeltaX DeltaY AngZone Counter
30 Ratio Factor HatchName HatchDescr
31 FileLines FileLines FileName
32 Scaler ScaledX ScaledY RF x
33 y h _AB _BC _AC
34 _AD _DE _EF _EH _FH
35 DimZin
36 )
39 (defun round (num)
40 (if (>= (- num (fix num)) 0.5)
41 (fix (1+ num))
42 (fix num)
43 )
44 )
46 (defun dxf (code EnameOrElist / VarType)
47 (setq VarType (type EnameOrElist))
48 (if (= VarType (read "ENAME"))
49 (cdr (assoc code (entget EnameOrElist)))
50 (cdr (assoc code EnameOrElist))
51 )
52 )
55 (defun ListToFile (TextList FileName DoOpenWithNotepad
56 AsAppend / TextItem
57 File RetVal
58 )
59 (if (setq File (open FileName
60 (if AsAppend
61 "a"
62 "w"
63 )
64 )
65 )
66 (progn
67 (foreach TextItem TextList
68 (write-line TextItem File)
69 )
70 (setq File (close File))
71 (if DoOpenWithNotepad
72 (startapp "notepad" FileName)
73 )
74 )
75 )
76 (FindFile FileName)
77 )
81 (princ
82 (strcat
83 "\n."
84 "\n 0,1 ----------- 1,1"
85 "\n | | "
86 "\n | Lines and | "
87 "\n | points must | "
88 "\n | be snapped | "
89 "\n | to nearest | "
90 "\n | 0.01 | "
91 "\n | | "
92 "\n 0,0 ----------- 1,0"
93 "\n."
94 "\nNote: Lines must be drawn within 0,0 to 1,1 and lie on a 0.01 grid."
95 )
96 )
97 (textscr)
98 (getstring "\nHit [ENTER] to continue...")
100 (princ
101 "\nSelect 1x1 pattern of lines and/or points for new hatch pattern..."
102 )
103 (while (not (setq SelSet (ssget (list (cons 0 "LINE,POINT")))))
104 )
105 (setq ssNth 0
106 SelSetSize (sslength SelSet)
107 DimZin (getvar "DIMZIN")
108 )
109 (setvar "DIMZIN" 11)
110 (if (> SelSetSize 0)
111 (princ "\nAnalyaing entities...")
112 )
113 (while (< ssNth SelSetSize)
114 (setq Ent (ssname SelSet ssNth)
115 EntInfo (entget Ent)
116 EntType (dxf 0 EntInfo)
117 ssNth (+ ssNth 1)
118 )
119 (cond
120 ((= EntType "POINT")
121 (setq pt1 (dxf 10 EntInfo)
122 FileLine (strcat "0,"
123 (rtos (car pt1) 2 6)
124 ","
125 (rtos (cadr pt1) 2 6)
126 ",0,1,0,-1"
127 )
128 )
129 (princ (strcat "\n" FileLine))
130 (setq FileLines (cons FileLine FileLines))
131 )
132 ((= EntType "LINE")
133 (setq pt1 (dxf 10 EntInfo)
134 pt2 (dxf 11 EntInfo)
135 Dist (distance pt1 pt2)
136 AngTo (angle pt1 pt2)
137 AngFrom (angle pt2 pt1)
138 IsValid nil
139 )
140 (if
141 (or (equal (car pt1) (car pt2) 0.0001)
142 (equal (cadr pt1) (cadr pt2) 0.0001)
143 )
144 (setq DeltaX 0
145 DeltaY 1
146 Gap (- Dist 1)
147 IsValid T
148 )
149 (progn
150 (setq Ang (if (< AngTo pi)
151 AngTo
152 AngFrom
153 )
154 AngZone (fix (/ Ang (/ pi 4)))
155 XDir (abs (- (car pt2) (car pt1)))
156 YDir (abs (- (cadr pt2) (cadr pt1)))
157 Factor 1
158 RF 1
159 )
160 (cond
161 ((= AngZone 0)
162 (setq DeltaY (abs (sin Ang))
163 DeltaX (abs (- (abs (/ 1.0 (sin Ang))) (abs (cos Ang)))
164 )
165 )
166 )
167 ((= AngZone 1)
168 (setq DeltaY (abs (cos Ang))
169 DeltaX (abs (sin Ang))
170 )
171 )
172 ((= AngZone 2)
173 (setq DeltaY (abs (cos Ang))
174 DeltaX (abs (- (abs (/ 1.0 (cos Ang))) (abs (sin Ang)))
175 )
176 )
177 )
178 ((= AngZone 3)
179 (setq DeltaY (abs (sin Ang))
180 DeltaX (abs (cos Ang))
181 )
182 )
183 )
184 (if (not (equal XDir YDir 0.001))
185 (progn
186 (setq Ratio (if (< XDir YDir)
187 (/ YDir XDir)
188 (/ XDir YDir)
189 )
190 RF (* Ratio Factor)
191 Scaler (/ 1
192 (if (< XDir YDir)
193 XDir
194 YDir
195 )
196 )
197 )
198 (if (not (equal Ratio (round Ratio) 0.001))
199 (progn
200 (while
201 (and
202 (<= Factor 100)
203 (not (equal RF (round RF) 0.001))
204 )
205 (setq Factor (+ Factor 1)
206 RF (* Ratio Factor)
207 )
208 )
209 (if (and (> Factor 1) (<= Factor 100))
210 (progn
211 (setq _AB (* XDir Scaler Factor)
212 _BC (* YDir Scaler Factor)
213 _AC (sqrt (+ (* _AB _AB) (* _BC _BC)))
214 _EF 1
215 x 1
216 )
217 (while (< x (- _AB 0.5))
218 (setq y (* x (/ YDir XDir))
219 h (if (< Ang (/ pi 2))
220 (- (+ 1 (fix y)) y)
221 (- y (fix y))
222 )
223 )
224 (if (< h _EF)
225 (setq _AD x
226 _DE y
227 _AE (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))
228 _EF h
229 )
230 )
231 (setq x (+ x 1))
232 )
233 (if (< _EF 1)
234 (setq _EH (/ (* _BC _EF) _AC)
235 _FH (/ (* _AB _EF) _AC)
236 DeltaX (+ _AE
237 (if (> Ang (/ pi 2))
238 (- _EH)
239 _EH
240 )
241 )
242 DeltaY (+ _FH)
243 Gap (- Dist _AC)
244 IsValid T
245 )
246 )
247 )
248 )
249 )
250 )
251 )
252 )
253 (if (= Factor 1)
254 (setq Gap (- Dist (abs (* Factor (/ 1 DeltaY))))
255 IsValid T
256 )
257 )
258 )
259 )
260 (if
261 IsValid
262 (progn
263 (setq FileLine
264 (strcat
265 (angtos AngTo 0 6)
266 ","
267 (rtos (car pt1) 2 8)
268 ","
269 (rtos (cadr pt1) 2 8)
270 ","
271 (rtos DeltaX 2 8)
272 ","
273 (rtos DeltaY 2 8)
274 ","
275 (rtos Dist 2 8)
276 ","
277 (rtos Gap 2 8)
278 )
279 )
280 (princ (strcat "\n" FileLine))
281 (setq FileLines (cons FileLine FileLines))
282 )
283 (princ (strcat "\n * * * Line with invalid angle "
284 (angtos AngTo 0 6)
285 (chr 186)
286 " omitted. * * *"
287 )
288 )
289 )
290 )
291 ((princ
292 (strcat "\n * * * Invalid entity " EntType " omitted.")
293 )
294 )
295 )
296 )
297 (setvar "DIMZIN" DimZin)
298 (if
299 (and
300 FileLines
301 (setq HatchDescr
302 (getstring T
303 "\nBriefly describe this hatch pattern: "
304 )
305 )
306 (setq FileName (getfiled "Hatch Pattern File"
307 "I:\\Acad\\Hatch\\"
308 "pat"
309 1
310 )
311 )
312 )
313 (progn
314 (if (= HatchDescr "")
315 (setq HatchDescr "Custom hatch pattern")
316 )
317 (setq HatchName (vl-filename-base FileName)
318 FileLines (cons (strcat "*" HatchName "," HatchDescr)
319 (reverse FileLines)
320 )
321 )
322 (princ
323 "\n============================================================"
324 )
325 (princ
326 (strcat "\nPlease wait while the hatch file is created...\n"
327 )
328 )
329 (ListToFile FileLines FileName nil nil)
330 (command "delay" 1500) ;delay required so file can be created and found (silly, but req.)
331 (if (findfile FileName)
332 (progn
333 (setvar "HPNAME" HatchName)
334 (princ (strcat "\nHatch pattern '"
335 HatchName
336 "' is ready to use!"
337 )
338 )
339 )
340 (progn
341 (princ "\nUnable to create hatch pattern file:")
342 (princ (strcat "\n " FileName))
343 )
344 )
345 )
346 (princ
347 (if FileLines
348 "\nCancelled."
349 "\nUnable to create hatch pattern from selected entities."
350 )
351 )
352 )
353 (princ)
354 )
356 (princ "\n ************************************************************** ")
357 (princ "\n** **")
358 (princ "\n* HatchMaker.lsp written by Lanny Schiele -- enjoy! *")
359 (princ "\n* *")
360 (princ "\n* Type in DRAWHATCH to have the environment created to draw. *")
361 (princ "\n* Type in SAVEHATCH to save the pattern you created. *")
362 (princ "\n** **")
363 (princ "\n ************************************************************** ")
364 (princ)
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