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Colloquium on Uncertainty Modeling is held at [[DMDG]] of [[SUT]] in the departmental boardroom regularly (if not stated otherwise) every Wednesday between 8:45 and 10:00. The colloquium schedule for the summer term of 2012-2013 is:
The colloquium on Uncertainty Modeling will take place as one-day symposium on Friday 19.12.2014 at 8.50 in the seminar room at the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT in Bratislava.

== Program ==

||8.50 – 9.00 || Opening of the seminar ||
|| || Tutorial, chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová ||
||9.00 – 9.50 || Radko Mesiar, SvF STU: Imprecise copulas||
|||| ||
||'''Section 1'''|| chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová||
||9.50 – 10.10 || Magda Komorníková, Jana Kalická, SvF STU: Tail dependencies of perturbed copulas||
||10.10 – 10.30 || Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová, SvF STU: Archimedean copulas and the Williamson transform||
||10.30 – 10.50 || Michal Dibala, SvF STU: Equivalence of conic and Archimax copulas||
||10.50 – 11.00 || Mirko Hudec, VŠE Bratislava: Uncertainty modeling and Horizon 2020 ||
|||| ||
||11.00 – 11.20 || Coffee break ||
|||| ||
||'''Section 2'''|| chairperson Prof. R.Mesiar||
||11.20 – 11.40 || Milan Petrík, Česká Republika: Mulholland inequality and domination ||
||11.40 – 12.00 || Vladimír Janiš, UMB Banská Bystrica: Generalized convexity ||
||12.00 – 12.20 || Martin Kalina, SvF STU: New constructions of uninorms ||
||12.20 – 12.40 || Pavol Kráľ, UMB Banská Bystrica: A few notes on similarity measures and cardinalities of interval-valued fuzzy sets ||
|||| ||
||12.40 – 13.30 || Lunch break||
|||| ||
||'''Section 3'''|| chairperson Prof. M. Kalina||
||13.30 – 13.50 || Jana Špirková, UMB Banská Bystrica, G. Beliakov, Austrália: Weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean||
||13.50 – 14.10 || Peter Smrek, SvF STU: Relationships of several kinds of the level dependent capacities-based Sugeno integrals||
||14.10 – 14.30 || Ladislav Šipeky, STU Bratislava: Decomposition-based transformations of aggregation functions||
|||| ||
||14.30 – 14.40 || Closing of the seminar||

== Proceedings of contributions 2013 ==

Printed version: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf|UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf]]

  * Tomáš Bacigál: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013bacigal.pdf|Modelling dependence with copulas and R package]]
  * Marek Gagolewski, Michał Dębski, Michał Nowakiewicz: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013gagolewski.pdf|Efficient algorithm for computing certain graph-based monotone integrals: the lp-indices]]
  * Ľubomíra Horanská, Anna Kolesárová: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013horanska.pdf|Construction of copulas by means of measure-preserving transformations]]
  * Miroslav Hudec: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013hudec.pdf|Issues in construction of linguistic summaries]]
  * M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu, Radko Mesiar: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013kesicioglu.pdf|Ordering Based on Implications]]
  * Vadoud Najjari, Hasan Bal, Salih Çelebioğlu: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013najjari.pdf|A note on a copula construction method]]
  * Peter Smrek: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013smrek.pdf|Some remarks on level dependent capacities based Sugeno integral]]
  * Andrea Stupňanová: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013stupnanova.pdf|Probabilistic summation of fuzzy numbers]]
  * Zdenko Takáč: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013takac.pdf|Properties of aggregation operators extended via extension principle]]
  * Mária Ždímalová: [[attachment:SeminarModelovanieNeurcitosti/2013zdimalova.pdf|A note on the construction of large graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter]]

== Schedule history ==

=== 2014 ===

|| 5.3. || Radko Mesiar|| Ultramodular copulas ||
|| 12.3. || Jana Špirková || Weak monotonicity of induced operators ||
|| 19.3. || Martin Kalina || Characterisation and construction of special types of t-norms ||
|| 26.3. || Tomáš Bacigál || Construction of Archimedean copula additive generators ||
|| 2.4. || Mária Ždímalová|| Construction of Archimedean copula generators through the Williamson transform||
|| 9.4. || Ladislav Šipeky|| Superaditive integral ||
|| 16.4. ||||Holidays ||
|| 23.4. || Peter Sarkoci || C-mass of area with rectifiable boundary as a line integral - possibly with applications (colloquium starts a bit later) ||
|| 30.4. || Peter Smrek|| (to be specified) ||
|| 7.5. || Miroslav Hudec || Fuzzy functional dependencies ||
|| 14.5. || Miroslav Hudec || Synergy between fuzzy functional dependencies and linguistic summarizations ||
|| 21.5. || Gabriel Matiolli || Extensional sets and their usage to model MRI brain atlases and related problems ||

=== 2013 ===

|| 2.10. || Radko Mesiar || Directional monotonicity of fusion functions ||
|| 9.10. || Martin Kalina || Uninorm properties in the rectange [0,e[ x ]e,1] ||
||16.10. || Peter Smrek || Level-dependent Sugeno integrals ||
||23.10. || Radko Mesiar || Bipolar semicopulas ||
||30.10. |||| (Konferencia doktorandov AACEE) ||
|| 6.11. || Tomáš Bacigál || Generators of copulas and aggregation ||
||13.11. || Miroslav Hudec || Linguistic summaries and their applicability ||
||20.11. || Michal Šabo || (to be specified) ||
||27.11. || Anna Kolesárová || (to be specified) ||
|| 4.12. || Zdenko Takáč || Aggregation of fuzzy truth values ||
||11.12. || Andrea Stupňanová || Probabilistic approach to fuzzy arithmetics ||
Line 8: Line 86:
||27.3. || Vadout Najari || Copulas || ||27.3. || Vadoud Najjari || Copulas ||
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== Proceedings of contributions 2013 ==

Printed version: [[attachment:UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf|UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf]]

  * Tomáš Bacigál: [[attachment:2013bacigal.pdf|Modelling dependence with copulas and R package]]
  * Marek Gagolewski, Michał Dębski, Michał Nowakiewicz: [[attachment:2013gagolewski.pdf|Efficient algorithm for computing certain graph-based monotone integrals: the lp-indices]]
  * Ľubomíra Horanská, Anna Kolesárová: [[attachment:2013horanska.pdf|Construction of copulas by means of measure-preserving transformations]]
  * Miroslav Hudec: [[attachment:2013hudec.pdf|Issues in construction of linguistic summaries]]
  * M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu, Radko Mesiar: [[attachment:2013kesicioglu.pdf|Ordering Based on Implications]]
  * Farhad Najjari, Hasan Bal, Salih Çelebioğlu: [[attachment:2013najjari.pdf|A note on a copula construction method]]
  * Peter Smrek: [[attachment:2013smrek.pdf|Some remarks on level dependent capacities based Sugeno integral]]
  * Andrea Stupňanová: [[attachment:2013stupnanova.pdf|Probabilistic summation of fuzzy numbers]]
  * Zdenko Takáč: [[attachment:2013takac.pdf|Properties of aggregation operators extended via extension principle]]
  * Mária Ždímalová: [[attachment:2013zdimalova.pdf|A note on the construction of large graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter]]

== Schedule history ==

|| 6.3. || Radko Mesiar || Modular aggregation functions and copulas ||
||13.3. || Michal Botur || Tense operators on MV-algebra ||
||20.3. || Miroslav Sabo|| Visualisation and statistical analysis of social data ||
||27.3. || Vadout Najari || Copulas ||
||10.4. || Martin Kalina || Generalised generated fuzzy implications ||
||17.4. || Marek Gagolewski|| Aggregation functions: theory and applications ||
||24.4. || Peter Smrek|| (title to be specified later) ||
||15.5. || Yavuz Kesicioglu || On Suborbital Graph for Congruence Subgroups ||
||22.5. || Nesibe Kesicioglu || T-orders / Triangular norms on lattices ||

Colloquium on Uncertainty Modeling

The colloquium on Uncertainty Modeling will take place as one-day symposium on Friday 19.12.2014 at 8.50 in the seminar room at the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, SUT in Bratislava.


8.50 – 9.00

Opening of the seminar

Tutorial, chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová

9.00 – 9.50

Radko Mesiar, SvF STU: Imprecise copulas

Section 1

chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová

9.50 – 10.10

Magda Komorníková, Jana Kalická, SvF STU: Tail dependencies of perturbed copulas

10.10 – 10.30

Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová, SvF STU: Archimedean copulas and the Williamson transform

10.30 – 10.50

Michal Dibala, SvF STU: Equivalence of conic and Archimax copulas

10.50 – 11.00

Mirko Hudec, VŠE Bratislava: Uncertainty modeling and Horizon 2020

11.00 – 11.20

Coffee break

Section 2

chairperson Prof. R.Mesiar

11.20 – 11.40

Milan Petrík, Česká Republika: Mulholland inequality and domination

11.40 – 12.00

Vladimír Janiš, UMB Banská Bystrica: Generalized convexity

12.00 – 12.20

Martin Kalina, SvF STU: New constructions of uninorms

12.20 – 12.40

Pavol Kráľ, UMB Banská Bystrica: A few notes on similarity measures and cardinalities of interval-valued fuzzy sets

12.40 – 13.30

Lunch break

Section 3

chairperson Prof. M. Kalina

13.30 – 13.50

Jana Špirková, UMB Banská Bystrica, G. Beliakov, Austrália: Weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean

13.50 – 14.10

Peter Smrek, SvF STU: Relationships of several kinds of the level dependent capacities-based Sugeno integrals

14.10 – 14.30

Ladislav Šipeky, STU Bratislava: Decomposition-based transformations of aggregation functions

14.30 – 14.40

Closing of the seminar

Proceedings of contributions 2013

Printed version: UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf


Schedule history



Radko Mesiar

Ultramodular copulas


Jana Špirková

Weak monotonicity of induced operators


Martin Kalina

Characterisation and construction of special types of t-norms


Tomáš Bacigál

Construction of Archimedean copula additive generators


Mária Ždímalová

Construction of Archimedean copula generators through the Williamson transform


Ladislav Šipeky

Superaditive integral




Peter Sarkoci

C-mass of area with rectifiable boundary as a line integral - possibly with applications (colloquium starts a bit later)


Peter Smrek

(to be specified)


Miroslav Hudec

Fuzzy functional dependencies


Miroslav Hudec

Synergy between fuzzy functional dependencies and linguistic summarizations


Gabriel Matiolli

Extensional sets and their usage to model MRI brain atlases and related problems



Radko Mesiar

Directional monotonicity of fusion functions


Martin Kalina

Uninorm properties in the rectange [0,e[ x ]e,1]


Peter Smrek

Level-dependent Sugeno integrals


Radko Mesiar

Bipolar semicopulas


(Konferencia doktorandov AACEE)


Tomáš Bacigál

Generators of copulas and aggregation


Miroslav Hudec

Linguistic summaries and their applicability


Michal Šabo

(to be specified)


Anna Kolesárová

(to be specified)


Zdenko Takáč

Aggregation of fuzzy truth values


Andrea Stupňanová

Probabilistic approach to fuzzy arithmetics


Radko Mesiar

Modular aggregation functions and copulas


Michal Botur

Tense operators on MV-algebra


Miroslav Sabo

Visualisation and statistical analysis of social data


Vadoud Najjari



Martin Kalina

Generalised generated fuzzy implications


Marek Gagolewski

Aggregation functions: theory and applications


Peter Smrek

(title to be specified later)


Yavuz Kesicioglu

On Suborbital Graph for Congruence Subgroups


Nesibe Kesicioglu

T-orders / Triangular norms on lattices

KMaDGWiki: SeminarModelovanieNeurcitostiEn (last edited 2018-05-24 08:35:59 by bacigal)