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Seminár z modelovania neurčitosti sa koná (ak nie je uvedené inak) v seminárnej miestnosti na katedre matematiky a deskriptívnej geometrie SvF STU každú stredu v čase od 8:45 do 10:00. Program seminára je pre letný semester 2009-2010 nasledujúci: | Posledný seminár z modelovania neurčitosti sa konal vo forme dvojdňového minisympózia v dňoch 4-5.6.2015 (štvrtok a piatok) v seminárnej miestnosti na Katedre matematiky a deskriptívnej geometrie SvF STU v Bratislave. Nasledujúci je plánovaný v dňoch 4-5.6.2015 (štvrtok a piatok) na rovnakom mieste. Podrobnosti sú dostupné na anglickej verzii stránky |
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|| 24.2. || R. Mesiar || Silnejšie formy monotónnosti agregačných funkcií || || 3.3. || M. Šabo || Reverzibilné agregačné funkcie - ešte raz|| || 10.3. || M. Manzi || A-measures || || 17.3. || J. Haluška || Výberové techniky a agregačné operátory z hľadiska zovšoebecnenej teórie informácie (prezentácia knihy)|| || 24.3. || V. Janiš || Star-shaped fuzzy sets|| || 31.3. || P. Sarkoci || Mierovo-teoretický pohľad na kopule|| || 7.4. || || Jarné prázdniny - seminár sa nekoná || || 14.4. <!> od 9:00 || J. Špirková || Vlastnosti FIGQOWA operátorov|| || 21.4. || A. Petričková || Názov bude upresnený || || 28.4. || J. Lenčuchová || Testovanie linearity časového radu oproti nelinearite typu MSW || || 5.5. || A. Al-Adilee || Názov bude upresnený || || 12.5. || V. Jágr || Názov bude upresnený || |
[[https://www.math.sk/wiki/SeminarModelovanieNeurcitostiEN|www.math.sk/wiki/SeminarModelovanieNeurcitostiEN]] |
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'''Z dôvodu plánovanej rekonštrukcie fasády našej budovy môže nastať prípad, že niektoré semináre sa neuskutočnia. O takýchto prípadoch budete informovaní mailom.''' | == Uncertainty Modelling 2015 == Verzia na tlač: [[attachment:UncertaintyModelling2015.pdf|UncertaintyModelling2015.pdf]] Obsah: * Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová: [[attachment:2015BacigalZdimalova.pdf|Examples of Archimedean generators from the Williamson transform and why to use a linear approximation]] * Bernard De Baets, Barbara Pękala, Urszula Bentkowska: [[attachment:2015BaetsPekalaBentkowska.pdf|Transitivity of interval-valued fuzzy relations]] * Urszula Bentkowska, Bernard De Baets, Anna Król: [[attachment:2015BentkowskaBaetsKrol.pdf|Fuzzy interval orders and aggregation process]] * Paweł Drygaś, Anna Król: [[attachment:2015DrygasKrol.pdf|On Constructing Ordinal Sums of Fuzzy Implications]] * Vojtěch Havlena, Dana Hliněná: [[attachment:2015HavlenaHlinena.pdf|Invariants of φ-transformations of uninorms and t-norms]] * Ľubomíra Horanská, Alexandra Šipošová: [[attachment:2015HoranskaSiposova.pdf|Generalization of the discrete Choquet integral]] * Martin Kalina: [[attachment:2015Kalina.pdf|On a preorder relation induced by uninorms]] * Fateme Kouchakinejad, Mashaallah Mashinchi, Radko Mesiar: [[attachment:2015KouchakinejadMashinchiMesiar.pdf|Fuzzy Bags]] * Zdenko Takáč: [[attachment:2015Takac.pdf|OWA operators for fuzzy truth values]] == Zborník príspevkov 2013 == Verzia na tlač: [[attachment:UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf|UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf]] Obsah: * Tomáš Bacigál: [[attachment:2013bacigal.pdf|Modelling dependence with copulas and R package]] * Marek Gagolewski, Michał Dębski, Michał Nowakiewicz: [[attachment:2013gagolewski.pdf|Efficient algorithm for computing certain graph-based monotone integrals: the lp-indices]] * Ľubomíra Horanská, Anna Kolesárová: [[attachment:2013horanska.pdf|Construction of copulas by means of measure-preserving transformations]] * Miroslav Hudec: [[attachment:2013hudec.pdf|Issues in construction of linguistic summaries]] * M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu, Radko Mesiar: [[attachment:2013kesicioglu.pdf|Ordering Based on Implications]] * Vadoud Najjari, Hasan Bal, Salih Çelebioğlu: [[attachment:2013najjari.pdf|A note on a copula construction method]] * Peter Smrek: [[attachment:2013smrek.pdf|Some remarks on level dependent capacities based Sugeno integral]] * Andrea Stupňanová: [[attachment:2013stupnanova.pdf|Probabilistic summation of fuzzy numbers]] * Zdenko Takáč: [[attachment:2013takac.pdf|Properties of aggregation operators extended via extension principle]] * Mária Ždímalová: [[attachment:2013zdimalova.pdf|A note on the construction of large graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter]] == Predošlé programy semináru == === 2015 === ==== Thursday, 4 of June: ==== 9,25 Opening of the seminar ||9,30-10,00|| Radko Mesiar, Andrea Stupňanová: On three types of generalizations of OWA operators|| ||10,00-10,30|| Paweł Drygaś, Anna Król, Ewa Rak : Some remarks about the ordinal sum of implications || 10,30-11,00 coffee break ||11,00-11,30|| Susana Díaz, Vladimír Janiš, Susana Montes: Generalized convexity|| ||11,30-12,00|| Ľubomíra Horanská, Alexandra Šipošová: Generalization Choquet integral|| ||12,00-12,30|| Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová: Archimedean copulas and Laplace transform || 12,30 - 14,00 Lunch ||14,00-14,30|| Slavka Bodjanova: Gradual approximation of fuzzy clusters || ||14,30-15,00|| Jana Špirková, Pavol Kráľ: How to calibrate questionnaires for risk aversion measurement? || ||15,00-15,30|| Urszula Bentkowska, Bernard De Baets, Anna Król: Aggregations of fuzzy orders in decision making || ==== Friday, 5 of June ==== ||9,00-9,30|| Bernard De Baets, Barbara Pękala, Urszula Bentkowska: Properties of transitivity for interval-valued fuzzy relations || ||9,30-10,00|| Martin Kalina, Pavol Kráľ: On uninorms strictly increasing on ]0,1[^2 || 10,00-10,30 Coffee break ||10,30-11,00|| Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Structure of Lukasiewicz-like triangular subnorms || ||11,00-11,30|| Alexandra Šipošová, Ladislav Šipeky, Fabio Rindone: Super- and sub-additive transformations|| === 2014 === ==== piatok 19.12.2014 ==== ||8.50 – 9.00 || Opening of the seminar || || || Tutorial, chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová || ||9.00 – 9.50 || Radko Mesiar, SvF STU: Imprecise copulas|| |||| || ||''Section 1''|| chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová|| ||9.50 – 10.10 || Magda Komorníková, Jana Kalická, SvF STU: Tail dependencies of perturbed copulas|| ||10.10 – 10.30 || Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová, SvF STU: Archimedean copulas and the Williamson transform|| ||10.30 – 10.50 || Michal Dibala, SvF STU: Equivalence of conic and Archimax copulas|| ||10.50 – 11.00 || Mirko Hudec, EUBA: Uncertainty modeling and Horizon 2020 || |||| || ||11.00 – 11.20 || Coffee break || |||| || ||''Section 2''|| chairperson Prof. R.Mesiar|| ||11.20 – 11.40 || Milan Petrík, Česká Republika: Algorithm to generate finite tomonoids || ||11.40 – 12.00 || Vladimír Janiš, UMB Banská Bystrica: Generalized convexity || ||12.00 – 12.20 || Martin Kalina, SvF STU: New constructions of uninorms || ||12.20 – 12.40 || Pavol Kráľ, UMB Banská Bystrica: A few notes on similarity measures and cardinalities of interval-valued fuzzy sets || |||| || ||12.40 – 13.30 || Lunch break|| |||| || ||''Section 3''|| chairperson Prof. M. Kalina|| ||13.30 – 13.50 || Jana Špirková, UMB Banská Bystrica, G. Beliakov, Austrália: Weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean|| ||13.50 – 14.10 || Peter Smrek, SvF STU: Relationships of several kinds of the level dependent capacities-based Sugeno integrals|| ||14.10 – 14.30 || Ladislav Šipeky, STU Bratislava: Decomposition-based transformations of aggregation functions|| |||| || ||14.30 – 14.40 || Closing of the seminar|| ==== letný semester ==== || 5.3. || Radko Mesiar|| Ultramodulárne kopule || || 12.3. || Jana Špirková || Slabá monotónnosť indukovaných operátorov zmiešavania || || 19.3. || Martin Kalina || Charakterizácia a konštrukcia špeciálnych typov t-noriem || || 26.3. || Tomáš Bacigál || Metódy konštrukcie aditívnych generátorov archimedovských kopúl || || 2.4. || Mária Ždímalová|| Konštrukcia generátorov archimedovských kopúl pomocou Williamsonovej transformácie || || 9.4. || Ladislav Šipeky|| Superaditívny integrál || || 16.4. ||||Jarné prázdniny || || 23.4. || Peter Sarkoci || C-masa oblasti s rektifikovateľnou hranicou ako krivkový integrál a prípadné aplikácie (seminar začne trošku neskôr) || || 30.4. || Peter Smrek|| (názov sa upresní neskôr) || || 7.5. || Miroslav Hudec || Fuzzy funkčné závislosti || || 14.5. || Miroslav Hudec || Spolupráca fuzzy funkčných závislostí a lingvistických sumarizácií || || 21.5. || Gabriel Matiolli || Extensional sets and their usage to model MRI brain atlases and related problems || === 2013 === ==== zimný semester ==== || 2.10. || Radko Mesiar || Directional monotonicity of fusion functions || || 9.10. || Martin Kalina || Vlastnosti uninoriem v obdĺžniku [0,e[ x ]e,1] || ||16.10. || Peter Smrek || Level-dependent Sugeno integrals || ||23.10. || Radko Mesiar || Bipolar semicopulas || ||30.10. |||| (Konferencia doktorandov AACEE) || || 6.11. || Tomáš Bacigál || Generators of copulas and aggregation || ||13.11. || Miroslav Hudec || Linguistic summaries and their applicability || ||20.11. || Michal Šabo || (názov sa upresní neskôr) || ||27.11. || Anna Kolesárová || (názov sa upresní neskôr) || || 4.12. || Zdenko Takáč || Aggregation of fuzzy truth values || ||11.12. || Andrea Stupňanová || Probabilistic approach to fuzzy arithmetics || ==== letný semester ==== || 6.3. || Radko Mesiar || Modular aggregation functions and copulas || ||13.3. || Michal Botur || Tense operators on MV-algebra || ||20.3. || Miroslav Sabo|| Visualisation and statistical analysis of social data || ||27.3. || Vadoud Najjari || Copulas || ||10.4. || Martin Kalina || Generalised generated fuzzy implications || ||17.4. || Marek Gagolewski|| Aggregation functions: theory and applications || ||24.4. || Peter Smrek|| (title to be specified later) || ||15.5. || Yavuz Kesicioglu || On Suborbital Graph for Congruence Subgroups || ||22.5. || Nesibe Kesicioglu || T-orders / Triangular norms on lattices || |
Seminár z modelovania neurčitosti
Posledný seminár z modelovania neurčitosti sa konal vo forme dvojdňového minisympózia v dňoch 4-5.6.2015 (štvrtok a piatok) v seminárnej miestnosti na Katedre matematiky a deskriptívnej geometrie SvF STU v Bratislave. Nasledujúci je plánovaný v dňoch 4-5.6.2015 (štvrtok a piatok) na rovnakom mieste. Podrobnosti sú dostupné na anglickej verzii stránky
Uncertainty Modelling 2015
Verzia na tlač: UncertaintyModelling2015.pdf
Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová: Examples of Archimedean generators from the Williamson transform and why to use a linear approximation
Bernard De Baets, Barbara Pękala, Urszula Bentkowska: Transitivity of interval-valued fuzzy relations
Urszula Bentkowska, Bernard De Baets, Anna Król: Fuzzy interval orders and aggregation process
Paweł Drygaś, Anna Król: On Constructing Ordinal Sums of Fuzzy Implications
Vojtěch Havlena, Dana Hliněná: Invariants of φ-transformations of uninorms and t-norms
Ľubomíra Horanská, Alexandra Šipošová: Generalization of the discrete Choquet integral
Martin Kalina: On a preorder relation induced by uninorms
Fateme Kouchakinejad, Mashaallah Mashinchi, Radko Mesiar: Fuzzy Bags
Zdenko Takáč: OWA operators for fuzzy truth values
Zborník príspevkov 2013
Verzia na tlač: UncertaintyModelling2013.pdf
Tomáš Bacigál: Modelling dependence with copulas and R package
Marek Gagolewski, Michał Dębski, Michał Nowakiewicz: Efficient algorithm for computing certain graph-based monotone integrals: the lp-indices
Ľubomíra Horanská, Anna Kolesárová: Construction of copulas by means of measure-preserving transformations
Miroslav Hudec: Issues in construction of linguistic summaries
M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu, Radko Mesiar: Ordering Based on Implications
Vadoud Najjari, Hasan Bal, Salih Çelebioğlu: A note on a copula construction method
Peter Smrek: Some remarks on level dependent capacities based Sugeno integral
Andrea Stupňanová: Probabilistic summation of fuzzy numbers
Zdenko Takáč: Properties of aggregation operators extended via extension principle
Mária Ždímalová: A note on the construction of large graphs and digraphs of given degree and diameter
Predošlé programy semináru
Thursday, 4 of June:
- 9,25 Opening of the seminar
9,30-10,00 |
Radko Mesiar, Andrea Stupňanová: On three types of generalizations of OWA operators |
10,00-10,30 |
Paweł Drygaś, Anna Król, Ewa Rak : Some remarks about the ordinal sum of implications |
- 10,30-11,00 coffee break
11,00-11,30 |
Susana Díaz, Vladimír Janiš, Susana Montes: Generalized convexity |
11,30-12,00 |
Ľubomíra Horanská, Alexandra Šipošová: Generalization Choquet integral |
12,00-12,30 |
Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová: Archimedean copulas and Laplace transform |
- 12,30 - 14,00 Lunch
14,00-14,30 |
Slavka Bodjanova: Gradual approximation of fuzzy clusters |
14,30-15,00 |
Jana Špirková, Pavol Kráľ: How to calibrate questionnaires for risk aversion measurement? |
15,00-15,30 |
Urszula Bentkowska, Bernard De Baets, Anna Król: Aggregations of fuzzy orders in decision making |
Friday, 5 of June
9,00-9,30 |
Bernard De Baets, Barbara Pękala, Urszula Bentkowska: Properties of transitivity for interval-valued fuzzy relations |
9,30-10,00 |
Martin Kalina, Pavol Kráľ: On uninorms strictly increasing on ]0,1[^2 |
- 10,00-10,30 Coffee break
10,30-11,00 |
Milan Petrík, Peter Sarkoci: Structure of Lukasiewicz-like triangular subnorms |
11,00-11,30 |
Alexandra Šipošová, Ladislav Šipeky, Fabio Rindone: Super- and sub-additive transformations |
piatok 19.12.2014
8.50 – 9.00 |
Opening of the seminar |
Tutorial, chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová |
9.00 – 9.50 |
Radko Mesiar, SvF STU: Imprecise copulas |
Section 1 |
chairperson Prof. A.Kolesárová |
9.50 – 10.10 |
Magda Komorníková, Jana Kalická, SvF STU: Tail dependencies of perturbed copulas |
10.10 – 10.30 |
Tomáš Bacigál, Mária Ždímalová, SvF STU: Archimedean copulas and the Williamson transform |
10.30 – 10.50 |
Michal Dibala, SvF STU: Equivalence of conic and Archimax copulas |
10.50 – 11.00 |
Mirko Hudec, EUBA: Uncertainty modeling and Horizon 2020 |
11.00 – 11.20 |
Coffee break |
Section 2 |
chairperson Prof. R.Mesiar |
11.20 – 11.40 |
Milan Petrík, Česká Republika: Algorithm to generate finite tomonoids |
11.40 – 12.00 |
Vladimír Janiš, UMB Banská Bystrica: Generalized convexity |
12.00 – 12.20 |
Martin Kalina, SvF STU: New constructions of uninorms |
12.20 – 12.40 |
Pavol Kráľ, UMB Banská Bystrica: A few notes on similarity measures and cardinalities of interval-valued fuzzy sets |
12.40 – 13.30 |
Lunch break |
Section 3 |
chairperson Prof. M. Kalina |
13.30 – 13.50 |
Jana Špirková, UMB Banská Bystrica, G. Beliakov, Austrália: Weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean |
13.50 – 14.10 |
Peter Smrek, SvF STU: Relationships of several kinds of the level dependent capacities-based Sugeno integrals |
14.10 – 14.30 |
Ladislav Šipeky, STU Bratislava: Decomposition-based transformations of aggregation functions |
14.30 – 14.40 |
Closing of the seminar |
letný semester
5.3. |
Radko Mesiar |
Ultramodulárne kopule |
12.3. |
Jana Špirková |
Slabá monotónnosť indukovaných operátorov zmiešavania |
19.3. |
Martin Kalina |
Charakterizácia a konštrukcia špeciálnych typov t-noriem |
26.3. |
Tomáš Bacigál |
Metódy konštrukcie aditívnych generátorov archimedovských kopúl |
2.4. |
Mária Ždímalová |
Konštrukcia generátorov archimedovských kopúl pomocou Williamsonovej transformácie |
9.4. |
Ladislav Šipeky |
Superaditívny integrál |
16.4. |
Jarné prázdniny |
23.4. |
Peter Sarkoci |
C-masa oblasti s rektifikovateľnou hranicou ako krivkový integrál a prípadné aplikácie (seminar začne trošku neskôr) |
30.4. |
Peter Smrek |
(názov sa upresní neskôr) |
7.5. |
Miroslav Hudec |
Fuzzy funkčné závislosti |
14.5. |
Miroslav Hudec |
Spolupráca fuzzy funkčných závislostí a lingvistických sumarizácií |
21.5. |
Gabriel Matiolli |
Extensional sets and their usage to model MRI brain atlases and related problems |
zimný semester
2.10. |
Radko Mesiar |
Directional monotonicity of fusion functions |
9.10. |
Martin Kalina |
Vlastnosti uninoriem v obdĺžniku [0,e[ x ]e,1] |
16.10. |
Peter Smrek |
Level-dependent Sugeno integrals |
23.10. |
Radko Mesiar |
Bipolar semicopulas |
30.10. |
(Konferencia doktorandov AACEE) |
6.11. |
Tomáš Bacigál |
Generators of copulas and aggregation |
13.11. |
Miroslav Hudec |
Linguistic summaries and their applicability |
20.11. |
Michal Šabo |
(názov sa upresní neskôr) |
27.11. |
Anna Kolesárová |
(názov sa upresní neskôr) |
4.12. |
Zdenko Takáč |
Aggregation of fuzzy truth values |
11.12. |
Andrea Stupňanová |
Probabilistic approach to fuzzy arithmetics |
letný semester
6.3. |
Radko Mesiar |
Modular aggregation functions and copulas |
13.3. |
Michal Botur |
Tense operators on MV-algebra |
20.3. |
Miroslav Sabo |
Visualisation and statistical analysis of social data |
27.3. |
Vadoud Najjari |
Copulas |
10.4. |
Martin Kalina |
Generalised generated fuzzy implications |
17.4. |
Marek Gagolewski |
Aggregation functions: theory and applications |
24.4. |
Peter Smrek |
(title to be specified later) |
15.5. |
Yavuz Kesicioglu |
On Suborbital Graph for Congruence Subgroups |
22.5. |
Nesibe Kesicioglu |
T-orders / Triangular norms on lattices |