Attachment 'QS2011-Author.tex'
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25 \newtheorem{theo}{Theorem}
26 \newtheorem{lemm}{Lemma}
27 \newtheorem{coro}{Corollary}
28 \newtheorem{defi}{Definition}
29 \newtheorem{exam}{Example}
30 \newtheorem{rem}{Comment}
31 \begin{document}
32 \begin{center}
33 {\bf \large Title of the talk}
35 \medskip
36 {Name Surname of the author}
38 \medskip
39 {\it
40 affiliation}\\
41 { \tt email@address}%
42 \end{center}
44 \medskip
45 Body of the abstract
47 \vspace{5mm} \noindent{\bf Acknowledgment}\\ This work was
48 supported by ... (not compulsory)
49 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
50 \bibitem{P1} Author(s), Title of the paper, {\bf Journal},
51 issue (year), pages. %
52 \bibitem{B1} Author(s), Title of a monograph, Printing House, year.
53 \end{thebibliography}
54 \end{document}
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