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Táto stránka je v príprave.
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 1. Knor, M., Tomek, L.: Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, 2019. 113 s. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.  1. '''Knor, M.''', '''Tomek, L.''': Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, (2019), pp. [113]. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.
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 1.  1. '''Tomek, L.''', '''Mikula, K.''': Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis '''53'''(6), (2019), pp. 1797-1840.
 1. Wang, Z., Jin, L., Yager, R.R., '''Mesiar, R.''', '''Kalina, M.''', Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Ordered weighted sum in infinite sequences environment with applications. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems '''36'''(3), (2019), pp. 2787-2792.
 1. Zhu, Ch., '''Mesiar, R.''', Yager, R.R., Merigo, J., Qin, J., Feng, X., Jin, L.: Two-layer preference models with methodologies using induced aggregation in management administration and decision making. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems '''37'''(1), (2019), pp. 1213-1221.
 1. Zhu, Ch., Jin, L., '''Mesiar, R.''', Yager, R.R., Paternain, D., Bustince, H.: Nested formulation paradigms for induced ordered weighted averaging aggregation for decision-making and evaluation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems '''34'''(11), (2019), pp. 3046-3057.
 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Major, J., Kopáni, M.: Graph cutting and its application to biological data. Open Physics '''17'''(1), (2019), pp. 468-479.

=== ADE: Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch ===

 1. '''Kalina, M.''': Some remarks on n-uninorms in IF-sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets '''25'''(4), (2019), pp. 21-29.
 1. '''Šeliga, A.''', '''Šipošová, A.''', '''Širáň, J.''': Lifting continuity properties of aggregation functions to their super- and sub-additive transformations. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center '''8'''(2), (2019), pp. 37-51.

=== ADF: Vedecké práce v ostatných domácich časopisoch ===

 1. Ďurigová, M., Hlavčová, K., '''Komorníková, M.''', '''Kalická, J.''', '''Ballová, D.''', '''Bacigál, T.''': Analýza zmien priemerných mesačných prietokov na Slovensku v posledných desaťročiach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca '''20'''(1), (2019), pp. 10-21.
 1. '''Vajsáblová, M.''': Geometrická a matematická analýza mapy Bohemiae Rosa, Blaeuových historických máp zo 17. storočia a Augustovo zobrazenie. G-Slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku '''16'''(31), (2019), pp. 19-38.

=== ADM: Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus ===

 1. '''Ambroz, M.''', '''Balažovjech, M.''', '''Medľa, M.''', '''Mikula, K.''': Numerical modeling of wildland surface fire propagation by evolving surface curves. Advances in Computational Mathematics '''54'''(2), (2019), pp. 1067-1103.
 1. '''Bacigál, T.''', '''Komorníková, M.''', Komorník, J.: State-of-the-art in modeling nonlinear dependence among many random variables with copulas and application to financial indexes. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 84-91.
 1. '''Ballová, D.''': Global and local trend analysis and change-point analysis of selected financial and market indices. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 56-63.
 1. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., '''Širáň, J.''': The spectra of lifted digraphs. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics '''50'''(4), (2019), pp. 419-426.
 1. Jajcay, R., Li, C.H., '''Širáň, J.''', Wang, Y.: Regular and orientably-regular maps with quasiprimitive automorphism groups on vertices. Geometriae Dedicata '''203''', (2019), pp. 389-418.
 1. '''Kalická, J.''', '''Minárová, M.''', Halvoník, J., Majtánová, L.: Statistical analysis of models for punching resistance ensuring. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 49-55.
 1. '''Knor, M.''', Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Chemical graphs with the minimum value of Wiener index. MATCH '''81'''(1), (2019), pp. 119-132.
 1. Nánásiová, O., '''Valášková, Ľ.''', Čerňanová, V.: Probability measures and logical connectives on quantum logics. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 64-73.
 1. Pavlíková, S., '''Širáň, J.''': Inverting non-invertible weighted trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics '''75'''(2), (2019), pp. 246-255.
 1. '''Šeliga, A.''': Decomposition integral without alternatives, its equivalence to Lebesgue integral, and computational algorithms. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 41-48.

=== ADN: Vedecké práce v domácich časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus ===

 1. Bielek, B., Klem, J., '''Macák, M.''': Physical cavity of a double skin facade as a source of pre-heated air in the winter season for the heat recovery unit of a facade. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering '''27'''(4), (2019), pp. 7-10.
 1. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Pavlíková, S., '''Širáň, J.''': Spectra and eigenspaces of arbitrary lifts of graphs. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae '''88'''(3), (2019), pp. 593-600.
 1. Ďurigová, M., '''Ballová, D.''', Hlavčová, K.: Analyses of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods and statistical methods. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering '''27'''(2), (2019), pp. 36-43.
 1. '''Jenča, G.''': Two monads on the category of graphs. Mathematica Slovaca '''69'''(2), (2019), pp. 257-266.
 1. '''Knor, M.''', Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: On the Graovac-Pisanski index of a graph. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae '''88'''(3), (2019), pp. 867-870.
 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Maruščáková, L., Bucová, M., Sova, O., Kopáni, M.: Analyses of tumor cells by mathematical models. Bratislava Medical Journal '''74'''(9), (2019), pp. 650-657.

=== AEC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách ===

 1. '''Čunderlík, R.''', '''Macák, M.''', '''Medľa, M.''', '''Mikula, K.''', '''Minarechová, Z.''': Numerical methods for solving the oblique derivative boundary value problems in geodesy. In ''Handbuch der Geodäsie'', Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, (2019), pp. [48].
 1. Komorník, J., '''Komorníková, M.''', '''Bacigál, T.''': Analysis of dependence among growth rates of GDP of V4 countries using 4-dimensional vine copulas. In ''Data Analysis and Applications 2: Utilization of Results in Europe and Other Topics'', Hoboken (USA): John Wiley & Sons, (2019), pp. 37-47.
 1. '''Mesiar, R.''', Kolesárová, A., '''Stupňanová, A.''', Yager, R.R.: Normed utility functions: Some recent advances. In ''New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Innovative Applications and Case Studies'', Cham: Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 133-149.

=== AED: Vedecké práce v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách ===

 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Zatkalík, D., Weismann, P., Kubíková, E., El Falougy, H.: Vhodná segmentácia obrazu - nutnosť pri kvalitnej analýze obrazu v medicíne. In ''Anatómia - 100 rokov LF UK'', Trebiškov: k-PRINT, (2019), pp. 190-194.

=== AFC: Publikované príspevky an zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách ===

Publikačná činnosť 2019

Táto stránka je v príprave.

ACB: Vysokoškolské učebnice vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

  1. Knor, M., Tomek, L.: Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, (2019), pp. [113]. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.

ADC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch

  1. Agahi, H., Mehri-Dehnavi, H., Mesiar, R.: Monte Carlo integration for Choquet integral. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(6), (2019), pp. 1348-1358.

  2. Asici, E., Mesiar, R.: Direct product of nullnorms on bounded lattices. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36(6), (2019), pp. 5745-5756.

  3. Bachratý, M., Šiagiová, J., Širáň, J.: Asymptotically approaching the Moore bound for diameter three by Cayley graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 134, (2019), pp. 203-217.

  4. Borkotokey, S., Hazarika, P., Mesiar, R.: Cooperative games with multiple attributes. International Journal of General Systems 48(8), (2019), pp. 825-842.

  5. Candeloro, D., Mesiar, R., Sambucini, A.R.: A special class of fuzzy measures: Choquet integral and applications. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 83-99.

  6. Cayli, G.D., Karacal, F., Mesiar, R.: On internal and locally internal uninorms on bounded lattices. International Journal of General Systems 48(3), (2019), pp. 235-259.

  7. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Miller, M., Ryan, J., Širáň, J.: An algebraic approach to lifts of digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 269, (2019), pp. 68-76.

  8. D'Azevedo, A.B., Catalano, D.A., Širáň, J.: Bi-rotary maps of negative prime characteristic. Annals of Combinatorics 23(1), (2019), pp. 27-50.

  9. De Hierro, A.F.R.L., Sesma-Sara, M., Špirková, J., Lafuente, J., Pradera, A., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Curve-based monotonicity: a generalization of directional monotonicity. International Journal of General Systems 48(5), (2019), pp. 523-553.

  10. Droniou, J., Medľa, M., Mikula, K.: Design and analysis of finite volume methods for elliptic equations with oblique derivatives; application to Earth gravity field modelling. Journal of Computational Physics 398, (2019), art.no. 108876, pp. [28].

  11. Exoo, G., Jajcay, R., Mačaj, M., Širáň, J.: On the defect of vertex-transitive graphs of given degree and diameter. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 134, (2019), pp. 322-340.

  12. Fraser, J., Jeans, O., Širáň, J.: Regular self-dual and self-Petrie-dual maps of arbitrary valency. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 16(2), (2019), pp. 403-410.

  13. Hahn, J., Mikula, K., Frolkovič, P., Medľa, M., Basara, B.: Iterative inflow-implicit outflow-explicit finite volume scheme for level-set equations on polyhedron meshes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 77(6), (2019), pp. 1639-1654.

  14. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J., Torra, V.: A note on some algebraic properties of discrete Sugeno integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 110-120.

  15. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J.: On generating sets of the clone of aggregation functions on finite lattices. Information Sciences 476, (2019), pp. 38-47.

  16. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J.: On generation of aggregation functions on infinite lattices. Soft Computing 23(16), (2019), pp. 7279-7286.

  17. Halvoník, J., Kalická, J., Majtánová, L., Minárová, M.: Reliability of models aimed at evaluating the punching resistance of flat slabs without transverse reinforcement. Engineering Structures 188, (2019), pp. 627-636.

  18. Hriňáková, K., Knor, M., Škrekovski, R.: An inequality between variable Wiener index and variable Szeged index. Applied Mathematics and Computation 362, (2019), art.no. 124557, pp. [6].

  19. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Qin, J.: Dynamic weights allocation according to uncertain evaluation information. International Journal of General Systems 48(1), (2019), pp. 33-47.

  20. Jin, L., Kalina, M., Mesiar, R., Borkotokey, S.: Characterizations of the possibility-probability transformations and some applications. Information Sciences 477, (2019), pp. 281-290.

  21. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Ordered weighted averaging aggregation on convex poset. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(3), (2019), pp. 612-617.

  22. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Melting probability measure with OWA operator to generate fuzzy measure: the crescent method. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(6), (2019), pp. 1309-1316.

  23. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Kalina, M., Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Generalized phi-transformations of aggregation functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 372, (2019), pp. 124-141.

  24. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: On scatters of probability distributions nad OWA weights collections. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 27(5), (2019), pp. 773-788.

  25. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R.: On the minimum distance in a k-vertex set in a graph. Applied Mathematics and Computation 356, (2019), pp. 99-104.

  26. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Trees with the maximal value of Graovac-Pisanski index. Applied Mathematics and Computation 358, (2019), pp. 287-292.

  27. Knor, M., Komorník, J., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Unicyclic graphs with the maximal value of Graovac-Pisanski index. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 17(2), (2019), pp. 455-466.

  28. Kolesárová, A., Massanet, S., Mesiar, R., Piera, J.V., Torrens, J.: Polynomial constructions of fuzzy implication functions: The quadratic case. Information Sciences 494, (2019), pp. 60-79.

  29. Kolesárová, A., Kouchakinejad, F., Mesiar, R.: Additive aggregation functions: Generalizations and modifications of additivity. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 27(1), (2019), pp. 39-58.

  30. López, N., Pérez-Rosés, H., Pujolás, J., Ždímalová, M.: Construction of extremal mixed graphs of diameter two. Discrete Applied Mathematics 263, (2019), pp. 204-211.

  31. Mehri-Dehnavi, H., Agahi, H., Mesiar, R.: Pseudo-exponential distribution and its statistical applications in econophysics. Soft Computing 23(1), (2019), pp. 357-363.

  32. Mesiar, R., Stupňanová, A.: A note on CC-integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 106-109.

  33. Mesiar, R., Kolesárová, A., Gómez, D., Montero, J.: Set-based extended aggregation functions. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(9), (2019), pp. 2039-2054.

  34. Mesiar, R., Sheikhi, A., Komorníková, M.: Random noise and perturbation of copulas. Kybernetika 55(2), (2019), pp. 422-434.

  35. Mihailović, B., Kalina, M., Štrboja, M.: On the generalized k-order additivity for absolutely monotone set functions. Soft Computing 23(15), (2019), pp. 6043-6050.

  36. Mikulová, K., Jarolímek, I., Bacigál, T., Hegedüsová, K., Májeková, J., Medvecká, J., Slabejová, D., Šibík, J., Škodová, I., Zaliberová, M., Šibíková, M.: The effect of non-native black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) plantations on environmental conditions nad undergrowth diversity. Forests 10(7), (2019), art.no. 548, pp. [16].

  37. Ouyang, Y., Li, J., Mesiar, R.: A sufficient condition of equivalence of the Choquet and the pan-integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 100-105.

  38. Paternain, D., De Miguel, L., Ochoa, G., Lizasoain, I., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: The interval-valued Choquet integral based on admissible permutations. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(8), (2019), pp. 1638-1647.

  39. Pu, X., Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Continuous parametrized families of RIM quantifiers and quasi-preference with some properties. Information Sciences 481, (2019), pp. 24-32.

  40. Ray, N., Oberlander, J., Frolkovič, P.: Numerical investigation of a fully coupled micro-macro model for mineral dissolution and precipitation. Computational Geosciences 23(5), (2019), pp. 1173-1192.

  41. Remešíková, M., Šagát, M., Novysedlák, P.: Discrete Lagrangian algorithm for finding geodesics on trinagular meshes. Applied Mathematical Modelling 76, (2019), pp. 396-427.

  42. Santos, H., Couso, I., Bedregal, B., Takáč, Z., Minárová, M., Asiain, A., Barrenechea, E., Bustince, H.: Similarity measures, penalty functions, and fuzzy entropy from new fuzzy subsethood measures. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(6), (2019), pp. 1281-1302.

  43. Sesma-Sara, M., Lafuente, J., Roldán, A., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Strengthened ordered directionally monotone functions. Links between the different notions of monotonicity. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 357, (2019), pp. 151-172.

  44. Sesma-Sara, M., De Miguel, L., De Hierro, A.F.R.L., Lafuente, J., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Pointwise directional increasingness and geometric interpretation of directionally monotone functions. Information Sciences 501, (2019), pp. 236-247.

  45. Slabejová, D., Bacigál, T., Hegedüsová, K., Májeková, J., Medvecká, J., Mikulová, K., Petrášková-Šibíková, M., Škodová, I., Zaliberová, M., Jarolímek, I.: Comparison of the understory vegetation of native forests and adjacent Robinia pseudoacacia plantations in the Carpatiahn-Pannonian region. Forest Ecology and Management 439, (2019), pp. 28-40.

  46. Tomek, L., Mikula, K.: Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53(6), (2019), pp. 1797-1840.

  47. Wang, Z., Jin, L., Yager, R.R., Mesiar, R., Kalina, M., Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Ordered weighted sum in infinite sequences environment with applications. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36(3), (2019), pp. 2787-2792.

  48. Zhu, Ch., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Merigo, J., Qin, J., Feng, X., Jin, L.: Two-layer preference models with methodologies using induced aggregation in management administration and decision making. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 37(1), (2019), pp. 1213-1221.

  49. Zhu, Ch., Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Paternain, D., Bustince, H.: Nested formulation paradigms for induced ordered weighted averaging aggregation for decision-making and evaluation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(11), (2019), pp. 3046-3057.

  50. Ždímalová, M., Major, J., Kopáni, M.: Graph cutting and its application to biological data. Open Physics 17(1), (2019), pp. 468-479.

ADE: Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch

  1. Kalina, M.: Some remarks on n-uninorms in IF-sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 25(4), (2019), pp. 21-29.

  2. Šeliga, A., Šipošová, A., Širáň, J.: Lifting continuity properties of aggregation functions to their super- and sub-additive transformations. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 8(2), (2019), pp. 37-51.

ADF: Vedecké práce v ostatných domácich časopisoch

  1. Ďurigová, M., Hlavčová, K., Komorníková, M., Kalická, J., Ballová, D., Bacigál, T.: Analýza zmien priemerných mesačných prietokov na Slovensku v posledných desaťročiach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca 20(1), (2019), pp. 10-21.

  2. Vajsáblová, M.: Geometrická a matematická analýza mapy Bohemiae Rosa, Blaeuových historických máp zo 17. storočia a Augustovo zobrazenie. G-Slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku 16(31), (2019), pp. 19-38.

ADM: Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus

  1. Ambroz, M., Balažovjech, M., Medľa, M., Mikula, K.: Numerical modeling of wildland surface fire propagation by evolving surface curves. Advances in Computational Mathematics 54(2), (2019), pp. 1067-1103.

  2. Bacigál, T., Komorníková, M., Komorník, J.: State-of-the-art in modeling nonlinear dependence among many random variables with copulas and application to financial indexes. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 84-91.

  3. Ballová, D.: Global and local trend analysis and change-point analysis of selected financial and market indices. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 56-63.

  4. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Širáň, J.: The spectra of lifted digraphs. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 50(4), (2019), pp. 419-426.

  5. Jajcay, R., Li, C.H., Širáň, J., Wang, Y.: Regular and orientably-regular maps with quasiprimitive automorphism groups on vertices. Geometriae Dedicata 203, (2019), pp. 389-418.

  6. Kalická, J., Minárová, M., Halvoník, J., Majtánová, L.: Statistical analysis of models for punching resistance ensuring. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 49-55.

  7. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Chemical graphs with the minimum value of Wiener index. MATCH 81(1), (2019), pp. 119-132.

  8. Nánásiová, O., Valášková, Ľ., Čerňanová, V.: Probability measures and logical connectives on quantum logics. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 64-73.

  9. Pavlíková, S., Širáň, J.: Inverting non-invertible weighted trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 75(2), (2019), pp. 246-255.

  10. Šeliga, A.: Decomposition integral without alternatives, its equivalence to Lebesgue integral, and computational algorithms. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 41-48.

ADN: Vedecké práce v domácich časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus

  1. Bielek, B., Klem, J., Macák, M.: Physical cavity of a double skin facade as a source of pre-heated air in the winter season for the heat recovery unit of a facade. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 27(4), (2019), pp. 7-10.

  2. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Pavlíková, S., Širáň, J.: Spectra and eigenspaces of arbitrary lifts of graphs. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3), (2019), pp. 593-600.

  3. Ďurigová, M., Ballová, D., Hlavčová, K.: Analyses of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods and statistical methods. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 27(2), (2019), pp. 36-43.

  4. Jenča, G.: Two monads on the category of graphs. Mathematica Slovaca 69(2), (2019), pp. 257-266.

  5. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: On the Graovac-Pisanski index of a graph. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3), (2019), pp. 867-870.

  6. Ždímalová, M., Maruščáková, L., Bucová, M., Sova, O., Kopáni, M.: Analyses of tumor cells by mathematical models. Bratislava Medical Journal 74(9), (2019), pp. 650-657.

AEC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách

  1. Čunderlík, R., Macák, M., Medľa, M., Mikula, K., Minarechová, Z.: Numerical methods for solving the oblique derivative boundary value problems in geodesy. In Handbuch der Geodäsie, Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, (2019), pp. [48].

  2. Komorník, J., Komorníková, M., Bacigál, T.: Analysis of dependence among growth rates of GDP of V4 countries using 4-dimensional vine copulas. In Data Analysis and Applications 2: Utilization of Results in Europe and Other Topics, Hoboken (USA): John Wiley & Sons, (2019), pp. 37-47.

  3. Mesiar, R., Kolesárová, A., Stupňanová, A., Yager, R.R.: Normed utility functions: Some recent advances. In New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Innovative Applications and Case Studies, Cham: Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 133-149.

AED: Vedecké práce v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách

  1. Ždímalová, M., Zatkalík, D., Weismann, P., Kubíková, E., El Falougy, H.: Vhodná segmentácia obrazu - nutnosť pri kvalitnej analýze obrazu v medicíne. In Anatómia - 100 rokov LF UK, Trebiškov: k-PRINT, (2019), pp. 190-194.

AFC: Publikované príspevky an zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách