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Táto stránka je v príprave.
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 1. Knor, M., Tomek, L.: Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, 2019. 113 s. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.  1. '''Knor, M.''', '''Tomek, L.''': Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, (2019), pp. [113]. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.
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 1.  1. Ray, N., Oberlander, J., '''Frolkovič, P.''': Numerical investigation of a fully coupled micro-macro model for mineral dissolution and precipitation. Computational Geosciences '''23'''(5), (2019), pp. 1173-1192.
 1. '''Remešíková, M.''', '''Šagát, M.''', Novysedlák, P.: Discrete Lagrangian algorithm for finding geodesics on trinagular meshes. Applied Mathematical Modelling '''76''', (2019), pp. 396-427.
 1. Santos, H., Couso, I., Bedregal, B., Takáč, Z., '''Minárová, M.''', Asiain, A., Barrenechea, E., Bustince, H.: Similarity measures, penalty functions, and fuzzy entropy from new fuzzy subsethood measures. International Journal of Intelligent Systems '''34'''(6), (2019), pp. 1281-1302.
 1. Sesma-Sara, M., Lafuente, J., Roldán, A., '''Mesiar, R.''', Bustince, H.: Strengthened ordered directionally monotone functions. Links between the different notions of monotonicity. Fuzzy Sets and Systems '''357''', (2019), pp. 151-172.
 1. Sesma-Sara, M., De Miguel, L., De Hierro, A.F.R.L., Lafuente, J., '''Mesiar, R.''', Bustince, H.: Pointwise directional increasingness and geometric interpretation of directionally monotone functions. Information Sciences '''501''', (2019), pp. 236-247.
 1. Slabejová, D., '''Bacigál, T.''', Hegedüsová, K., Májeková, J., Medvecká, J., Mikulová, K., Petrášková-Šibíková, M., Škodová, I., Zaliberová, M., Jarolímek, I.: Comparison of the understory vegetation of native forests and adjacent Robinia pseudoacacia plantations in the Carpatiahn-Pannonian region. Forest Ecology and Management '''439''', (2019), pp. 28-40.
 1. '''Tomek, L.''', '''Mikula, K.''': Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis '''53'''(6), (2019), pp. 1797-1840.
 1. Wang, Z., Jin, L., Yager, R.R., '''Mesiar, R.''', '''Kalina, M.''', Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Ordered weighted sum in infinite sequences environment with applications. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems '''36'''(3), (2019), pp. 2787-2792.
 1. Zhu, Ch., '''Mesiar, R.''', Yager, R.R., Merigo, J., Qin, J., Feng, X., Jin, L.: Two-layer preference models with methodologies using induced aggregation in management administration and decision making. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems '''37'''(1), (2019), pp. 1213-1221.
 1. Zhu, Ch., Jin, L., '''Mesiar, R.''', Yager, R.R., Paternain, D., Bustince, H.: Nested formulation paradigms for induced ordered weighted averaging aggregation for decision-making and evaluation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems '''34'''(11), (2019), pp. 3046-3057.
 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Major, J., Kopáni, M.: Graph cutting and its application to biological data. Open Physics '''17'''(1), (2019), pp. 468-479.

=== ADE: Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch ===

 1. '''Kalina, M.''': Some remarks on n-uninorms in IF-sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets '''25'''(4), (2019), pp. 21-29.
 1. '''Šeliga, A.''', '''Šipošová, A.''', '''Širáň, J.''': Lifting continuity properties of aggregation functions to their super- and sub-additive transformations. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center '''8'''(2), (2019), pp. 37-51.

=== ADF: Vedecké práce v ostatných domácich časopisoch ===

 1. Ďurigová, M., Hlavčová, K., '''Komorníková, M.''', '''Kalická, J.''', '''Ballová, D.''', '''Bacigál, T.''': Analýza zmien priemerných mesačných prietokov na Slovensku v posledných desaťročiach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca '''20'''(1), (2019), pp. 10-21.
 1. '''Vajsáblová, M.''': Geometrická a matematická analýza mapy Bohemiae Rosa, Blaeuových historických máp zo 17. storočia a Augustovo zobrazenie. G-Slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku '''16'''(31), (2019), pp. 19-38.

=== ADM: Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus ===

 1. '''Ambroz, M.''', '''Balažovjech, M.''', '''Medľa, M.''', '''Mikula, K.''': Numerical modeling of wildland surface fire propagation by evolving surface curves. Advances in Computational Mathematics '''54'''(2), (2019), pp. 1067-1103.
 1. '''Bacigál, T.''', '''Komorníková, M.''', Komorník, J.: State-of-the-art in modeling nonlinear dependence among many random variables with copulas and application to financial indexes. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 84-91.
 1. '''Ballová, D.''': Global and local trend analysis and change-point analysis of selected financial and market indices. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 56-63.
 1. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., '''Širáň, J.''': The spectra of lifted digraphs. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics '''50'''(4), (2019), pp. 419-426.
 1. Jajcay, R., Li, C.H., '''Širáň, J.''', Wang, Y.: Regular and orientably-regular maps with quasiprimitive automorphism groups on vertices. Geometriae Dedicata '''203''', (2019), pp. 389-418.
 1. '''Kalická, J.''', '''Minárová, M.''', Halvoník, J., Majtánová, L.: Statistical analysis of models for punching resistance ensuring. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 49-55.
 1. '''Knor, M.''', Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Chemical graphs with the minimum value of Wiener index. MATCH '''81'''(1), (2019), pp. 119-132.
 1. Nánásiová, O., '''Valášková, Ľ.''', Čerňanová, V.: Probability measures and logical connectives on quantum logics. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 64-73.
 1. Pavlíková, S., '''Širáň, J.''': Inverting non-invertible weighted trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics '''75'''(2), (2019), pp. 246-255.
 1. '''Šeliga, A.''': Decomposition integral without alternatives, its equivalence to Lebesgue integral, and computational algorithms. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems '''13'''(3), (2019), pp. 41-48.

=== ADN: Vedecké práce v domácich časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus ===

 1. Bielek, B., Klem, J., '''Macák, M.''': Physical cavity of a double skin facade as a source of pre-heated air in the winter season for the heat recovery unit of a facade. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering '''27'''(4), (2019), pp. 7-10.
 1. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Pavlíková, S., '''Širáň, J.''': Spectra and eigenspaces of arbitrary lifts of graphs. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae '''88'''(3), (2019), pp. 593-600.
 1. Ďurigová, M., '''Ballová, D.''', Hlavčová, K.: Analyses of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods and statistical methods. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering '''27'''(2), (2019), pp. 36-43.
 1. '''Jenča, G.''': Two monads on the category of graphs. Mathematica Slovaca '''69'''(2), (2019), pp. 257-266.
 1. '''Knor, M.''', Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: On the Graovac-Pisanski index of a graph. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae '''88'''(3), (2019), pp. 867-870.
 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Maruščáková, L., Bucová, M., Sova, O., Kopáni, M.: Analyses of tumor cells by mathematical models. Bratislava Medical Journal '''74'''(9), (2019), pp. 650-657.

=== AEC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách ===

 1. '''Čunderlík, R.''', '''Macák, M.''', '''Medľa, M.''', '''Mikula, K.''', '''Minarechová, Z.''': Numerical methods for solving the oblique derivative boundary value problems in geodesy. In ''Handbuch der Geodäsie'', Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, (2019), pp. [48].
 1. Komorník, J., '''Komorníková, M.''', '''Bacigál, T.''': Analysis of dependence among growth rates of GDP of V4 countries using 4-dimensional vine copulas. In ''Data Analysis and Applications 2: Utilization of Results in Europe and Other Topics'', Hoboken (USA): John Wiley & Sons, (2019), pp. 37-47.
 1. '''Mesiar, R.''', Kolesárová, A., '''Stupňanová, A.''', Yager, R.R.: Normed utility functions: Some recent advances. In ''New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Innovative Applications and Case Studies'', Cham: Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 133-149.

=== AED: Vedecké práce v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách ===

 1. '''Ždímalová, M.''', Zatkalík, D., Weismann, P., Kubíková, E., El Falougy, H.: Vhodná segmentácia obrazu - nutnosť pri kvalitnej analýze obrazu v medicíne. In ''Anatómia - 100 rokov LF UK'', Trebiškov: k-PRINT, (2019), pp. 190-194.

=== AFC: Publikované príspevky an zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách ===

 1. Armentia, J., Rodríguez, I., Fumanal Idocin, J., Bustince, H., '''Minárová, M.''', Jurio, A.. Gravitational clustering algorithm generalization by using an aggregation of masses in Newton Law. In ''New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 172-182.
 1. Asici, E., '''Mesiar, R.''': The relation between F-partial order and distributivity equation. In ''New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 106-114.
 1. '''Bacigál, T.''', '''Komorníková, M.''', Komorník, J.: Analysis of relationship among V4 countries and Germany by their gross domestic products and copula models. In ''New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 232-243.
 1. Bielek B., Krajčík, M., Buday, P., '''Macák, M.''': Two-stage system for utilization of renewable solar energy in modern building facade technology. In ''Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building: proceedings'', Bristol: IOP Publishing, (2019), art.no. 12070, pp. [8].
 1. Bodjanova, S., '''Kalina, M.''': Uninorms on bounded lattices with given underlying operations. In ''New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 183-194.
 1. Bustince, H., Fernandez, J., Horanská, Ľ., '''Mesiar, R.''', '''Stupňanová, A.''': On some generalizations of the Choquet integral. In ''New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 151-159.
 1. Čerpek, J., Bielek, B., Buday, P., '''Macák, M.''', Klem, J., Krajčík, M.: Optimization of air cavity of a double-skin transparent façade for HVAC strategy. In ''Advances Building Skins: proceedings of the 14th conference'', Lucerne: Advanced Building Skins, (2019), pp. 80-89.
 1. Ďurigová, M., '''Ballová, D.''', Hlavčová, K.: Analysis of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods. In ''Proceedings of 3rd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences'', Basel: MDPI, (2019), art.no. 5824, pp. [7].
 1. Franek, M., '''Macák, M.''', Hubová, O.: A CFD approach as a base wind study of pressure distribution on the complex building. In ''Proceedings of 27th SVSFEM ANSYS Users' Group Meeting and Conference 2019'', Brno: SVS FEM, (2019), pp. 18-24.
 1. Franek, M., '''Macák, M.''', Hubová, O.: The use of a plastic mesh fabrics for reduction of the wind loads. In ''Nové poznatky ve vědě a výzkumu z oblasti pozemního stavitelství: 43. mezinárodní vědecká conference kateder a ústavů pozemního stavitelství'', Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, (2019), pp. 32-37.
 1. Hliněná, D., '''Kalina, M.''': A characterization of uninorms by means of a pre-order they induce. In ''Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology'', Paris: Atlantis Press, (2019), pp. 595-601.
 1. Hubová, O., '''Macák, M.''': Optimal design of building for urban wind energy utilization. In ''World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium: proceedings'', Bristol: IOP Publishing, (2019), art.no. 62042, pp. [9].
 1. Jin, L., '''Kalina, M.''', '''Mesiar, R.''', Borkotokey, S., Špirková, J.: Generalized phi-transformations and n-uninorms. In ''CoDIT 2019: 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies'', Danvers: IEEE, (2019), pp. 506-511.
 1. '''Kalina, M.''': Uninorms and nullnorms and their idempotent versions on bounded posets. In ''Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: proceedings of the 16th International Conference, MDAI 2019'', Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 126-137.
 1. '''Knor, M.''', Majstorović, S., Škrekovski, R.: Some results on Wiener index of a graph: an overview. In ''Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Combinatorial Days'', Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, (2019), pp. 49-56.
 1. Kolesárová, A., '''Mesiar, R.''': Fuuzy implicators related to (quasi-)copulas. In ''Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology'', Paris: Atlantis Press, (2019), pp. 235-240.
 1. '''Macák, M.''', Bielek, B.: Influence of the temperature in the ventilated double-skin transparent façade. In ''Proceedings of 27th SVSFEM ANSYS Users' Group Meeting and Conference 2019''. Brno: SVS FEM, (2019), pp. 11-17.

Publikačná činnosť 2019

Táto stránka je v príprave.

ACB: Vysokoškolské učebnice vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

  1. Knor, M., Tomek, L.: Optimalizácia 2. Bratislava: Spektrum STU, (2019), pp. [113]. Edícia vysokoškolských učebníc. ISBN 978-80-227-4918-3.

ADC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch

  1. Agahi, H., Mehri-Dehnavi, H., Mesiar, R.: Monte Carlo integration for Choquet integral. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(6), (2019), pp. 1348-1358.

  2. Asici, E., Mesiar, R.: Direct product of nullnorms on bounded lattices. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36(6), (2019), pp. 5745-5756.

  3. Bachratý, M., Šiagiová, J., Širáň, J.: Asymptotically approaching the Moore bound for diameter three by Cayley graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 134, (2019), pp. 203-217.

  4. Borkotokey, S., Hazarika, P., Mesiar, R.: Cooperative games with multiple attributes. International Journal of General Systems 48(8), (2019), pp. 825-842.

  5. Candeloro, D., Mesiar, R., Sambucini, A.R.: A special class of fuzzy measures: Choquet integral and applications. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 83-99.

  6. Cayli, G.D., Karacal, F., Mesiar, R.: On internal and locally internal uninorms on bounded lattices. International Journal of General Systems 48(3), (2019), pp. 235-259.

  7. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Miller, M., Ryan, J., Širáň, J.: An algebraic approach to lifts of digraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 269, (2019), pp. 68-76.

  8. D'Azevedo, A.B., Catalano, D.A., Širáň, J.: Bi-rotary maps of negative prime characteristic. Annals of Combinatorics 23(1), (2019), pp. 27-50.

  9. De Hierro, A.F.R.L., Sesma-Sara, M., Špirková, J., Lafuente, J., Pradera, A., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Curve-based monotonicity: a generalization of directional monotonicity. International Journal of General Systems 48(5), (2019), pp. 523-553.

  10. Droniou, J., Medľa, M., Mikula, K.: Design and analysis of finite volume methods for elliptic equations with oblique derivatives; application to Earth gravity field modelling. Journal of Computational Physics 398, (2019), art.no. 108876, pp. [28].

  11. Exoo, G., Jajcay, R., Mačaj, M., Širáň, J.: On the defect of vertex-transitive graphs of given degree and diameter. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 134, (2019), pp. 322-340.

  12. Fraser, J., Jeans, O., Širáň, J.: Regular self-dual and self-Petrie-dual maps of arbitrary valency. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 16(2), (2019), pp. 403-410.

  13. Hahn, J., Mikula, K., Frolkovič, P., Medľa, M., Basara, B.: Iterative inflow-implicit outflow-explicit finite volume scheme for level-set equations on polyhedron meshes. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 77(6), (2019), pp. 1639-1654.

  14. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J., Torra, V.: A note on some algebraic properties of discrete Sugeno integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 110-120.

  15. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J.: On generating sets of the clone of aggregation functions on finite lattices. Information Sciences 476, (2019), pp. 38-47.

  16. Halaš, R., Mesiar, R., Pócs, J.: On generation of aggregation functions on infinite lattices. Soft Computing 23(16), (2019), pp. 7279-7286.

  17. Halvoník, J., Kalická, J., Majtánová, L., Minárová, M.: Reliability of models aimed at evaluating the punching resistance of flat slabs without transverse reinforcement. Engineering Structures 188, (2019), pp. 627-636.

  18. Hriňáková, K., Knor, M., Škrekovski, R.: An inequality between variable Wiener index and variable Szeged index. Applied Mathematics and Computation 362, (2019), art.no. 124557, pp. [6].

  19. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Qin, J.: Dynamic weights allocation according to uncertain evaluation information. International Journal of General Systems 48(1), (2019), pp. 33-47.

  20. Jin, L., Kalina, M., Mesiar, R., Borkotokey, S.: Characterizations of the possibility-probability transformations and some applications. Information Sciences 477, (2019), pp. 281-290.

  21. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Ordered weighted averaging aggregation on convex poset. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(3), (2019), pp. 612-617.

  22. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Melting probability measure with OWA operator to generate fuzzy measure: the crescent method. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(6), (2019), pp. 1309-1316.

  23. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Kalina, M., Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Generalized phi-transformations of aggregation functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 372, (2019), pp. 124-141.

  24. Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: On scatters of probability distributions nad OWA weights collections. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 27(5), (2019), pp. 773-788.

  25. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R.: On the minimum distance in a k-vertex set in a graph. Applied Mathematics and Computation 356, (2019), pp. 99-104.

  26. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Trees with the maximal value of Graovac-Pisanski index. Applied Mathematics and Computation 358, (2019), pp. 287-292.

  27. Knor, M., Komorník, J., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Unicyclic graphs with the maximal value of Graovac-Pisanski index. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 17(2), (2019), pp. 455-466.

  28. Kolesárová, A., Massanet, S., Mesiar, R., Piera, J.V., Torrens, J.: Polynomial constructions of fuzzy implication functions: The quadratic case. Information Sciences 494, (2019), pp. 60-79.

  29. Kolesárová, A., Kouchakinejad, F., Mesiar, R.: Additive aggregation functions: Generalizations and modifications of additivity. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 27(1), (2019), pp. 39-58.

  30. López, N., Pérez-Rosés, H., Pujolás, J., Ždímalová, M.: Construction of extremal mixed graphs of diameter two. Discrete Applied Mathematics 263, (2019), pp. 204-211.

  31. Mehri-Dehnavi, H., Agahi, H., Mesiar, R.: Pseudo-exponential distribution and its statistical applications in econophysics. Soft Computing 23(1), (2019), pp. 357-363.

  32. Mesiar, R., Stupňanová, A.: A note on CC-integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 106-109.

  33. Mesiar, R., Kolesárová, A., Gómez, D., Montero, J.: Set-based extended aggregation functions. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(9), (2019), pp. 2039-2054.

  34. Mesiar, R., Sheikhi, A., Komorníková, M.: Random noise and perturbation of copulas. Kybernetika 55(2), (2019), pp. 422-434.

  35. Mihailović, B., Kalina, M., Štrboja, M.: On the generalized k-order additivity for absolutely monotone set functions. Soft Computing 23(15), (2019), pp. 6043-6050.

  36. Mikulová, K., Jarolímek, I., Bacigál, T., Hegedüsová, K., Májeková, J., Medvecká, J., Slabejová, D., Šibík, J., Škodová, I., Zaliberová, M., Šibíková, M.: The effect of non-native black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold) plantations on environmental conditions nad undergrowth diversity. Forests 10(7), (2019), art.no. 548, pp. [16].

  37. Ouyang, Y., Li, J., Mesiar, R.: A sufficient condition of equivalence of the Choquet and the pan-integral. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), pp. 100-105.

  38. Paternain, D., De Miguel, L., Ochoa, G., Lizasoain, I., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: The interval-valued Choquet integral based on admissible permutations. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(8), (2019), pp. 1638-1647.

  39. Pu, X., Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R.: Continuous parametrized families of RIM quantifiers and quasi-preference with some properties. Information Sciences 481, (2019), pp. 24-32.

  40. Ray, N., Oberlander, J., Frolkovič, P.: Numerical investigation of a fully coupled micro-macro model for mineral dissolution and precipitation. Computational Geosciences 23(5), (2019), pp. 1173-1192.

  41. Remešíková, M., Šagát, M., Novysedlák, P.: Discrete Lagrangian algorithm for finding geodesics on trinagular meshes. Applied Mathematical Modelling 76, (2019), pp. 396-427.

  42. Santos, H., Couso, I., Bedregal, B., Takáč, Z., Minárová, M., Asiain, A., Barrenechea, E., Bustince, H.: Similarity measures, penalty functions, and fuzzy entropy from new fuzzy subsethood measures. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(6), (2019), pp. 1281-1302.

  43. Sesma-Sara, M., Lafuente, J., Roldán, A., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Strengthened ordered directionally monotone functions. Links between the different notions of monotonicity. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 357, (2019), pp. 151-172.

  44. Sesma-Sara, M., De Miguel, L., De Hierro, A.F.R.L., Lafuente, J., Mesiar, R., Bustince, H.: Pointwise directional increasingness and geometric interpretation of directionally monotone functions. Information Sciences 501, (2019), pp. 236-247.

  45. Slabejová, D., Bacigál, T., Hegedüsová, K., Májeková, J., Medvecká, J., Mikulová, K., Petrášková-Šibíková, M., Škodová, I., Zaliberová, M., Jarolímek, I.: Comparison of the understory vegetation of native forests and adjacent Robinia pseudoacacia plantations in the Carpatiahn-Pannonian region. Forest Ecology and Management 439, (2019), pp. 28-40.

  46. Tomek, L., Mikula, K.: Discrete duality finite volume method with tangential redistribution of points for surfaces evolving by mean curvature. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53(6), (2019), pp. 1797-1840.

  47. Wang, Z., Jin, L., Yager, R.R., Mesiar, R., Kalina, M., Špirková, J., Borkotokey, S.: Ordered weighted sum in infinite sequences environment with applications. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36(3), (2019), pp. 2787-2792.

  48. Zhu, Ch., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Merigo, J., Qin, J., Feng, X., Jin, L.: Two-layer preference models with methodologies using induced aggregation in management administration and decision making. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 37(1), (2019), pp. 1213-1221.

  49. Zhu, Ch., Jin, L., Mesiar, R., Yager, R.R., Paternain, D., Bustince, H.: Nested formulation paradigms for induced ordered weighted averaging aggregation for decision-making and evaluation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 34(11), (2019), pp. 3046-3057.

  50. Ždímalová, M., Major, J., Kopáni, M.: Graph cutting and its application to biological data. Open Physics 17(1), (2019), pp. 468-479.

ADE: Vedecké práce v ostatných zahraničných časopisoch

  1. Kalina, M.: Some remarks on n-uninorms in IF-sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets 25(4), (2019), pp. 21-29.

  2. Šeliga, A., Šipošová, A., Širáň, J.: Lifting continuity properties of aggregation functions to their super- and sub-additive transformations. Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 8(2), (2019), pp. 37-51.

ADF: Vedecké práce v ostatných domácich časopisoch

  1. Ďurigová, M., Hlavčová, K., Komorníková, M., Kalická, J., Ballová, D., Bacigál, T.: Analýza zmien priemerných mesačných prietokov na Slovensku v posledných desaťročiach. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca 20(1), (2019), pp. 10-21.

  2. Vajsáblová, M.: Geometrická a matematická analýza mapy Bohemiae Rosa, Blaeuových historických máp zo 17. storočia a Augustovo zobrazenie. G-Slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku 16(31), (2019), pp. 19-38.

ADM: Vedecké práce v zahraničných časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus

  1. Ambroz, M., Balažovjech, M., Medľa, M., Mikula, K.: Numerical modeling of wildland surface fire propagation by evolving surface curves. Advances in Computational Mathematics 54(2), (2019), pp. 1067-1103.

  2. Bacigál, T., Komorníková, M., Komorník, J.: State-of-the-art in modeling nonlinear dependence among many random variables with copulas and application to financial indexes. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 84-91.

  3. Ballová, D.: Global and local trend analysis and change-point analysis of selected financial and market indices. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 56-63.

  4. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Širáň, J.: The spectra of lifted digraphs. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 50(4), (2019), pp. 419-426.

  5. Jajcay, R., Li, C.H., Širáň, J., Wang, Y.: Regular and orientably-regular maps with quasiprimitive automorphism groups on vertices. Geometriae Dedicata 203, (2019), pp. 389-418.

  6. Kalická, J., Minárová, M., Halvoník, J., Majtánová, L.: Statistical analysis of models for punching resistance ensuring. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 49-55.

  7. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: Chemical graphs with the minimum value of Wiener index. MATCH 81(1), (2019), pp. 119-132.

  8. Nánásiová, O., Valášková, Ľ., Čerňanová, V.: Probability measures and logical connectives on quantum logics. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 64-73.

  9. Pavlíková, S., Širáň, J.: Inverting non-invertible weighted trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 75(2), (2019), pp. 246-255.

  10. Šeliga, A.: Decomposition integral without alternatives, its equivalence to Lebesgue integral, and computational algorithms. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems 13(3), (2019), pp. 41-48.

ADN: Vedecké práce v domácich časopisoch registrovaných vo WoS/Scopus

  1. Bielek, B., Klem, J., Macák, M.: Physical cavity of a double skin facade as a source of pre-heated air in the winter season for the heat recovery unit of a facade. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 27(4), (2019), pp. 7-10.

  2. Dalfó, C.S., Fiol, M.A., Pavlíková, S., Širáň, J.: Spectra and eigenspaces of arbitrary lifts of graphs. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3), (2019), pp. 593-600.

  3. Ďurigová, M., Ballová, D., Hlavčová, K.: Analyses of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods and statistical methods. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 27(2), (2019), pp. 36-43.

  4. Jenča, G.: Two monads on the category of graphs. Mathematica Slovaca 69(2), (2019), pp. 257-266.

  5. Knor, M., Škrekovski, R., Tepeh, A.: On the Graovac-Pisanski index of a graph. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 88(3), (2019), pp. 867-870.

  6. Ždímalová, M., Maruščáková, L., Bucová, M., Sova, O., Kopáni, M.: Analyses of tumor cells by mathematical models. Bratislava Medical Journal 74(9), (2019), pp. 650-657.

AEC: Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách

  1. Čunderlík, R., Macák, M., Medľa, M., Mikula, K., Minarechová, Z.: Numerical methods for solving the oblique derivative boundary value problems in geodesy. In Handbuch der Geodäsie, Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum, (2019), pp. [48].

  2. Komorník, J., Komorníková, M., Bacigál, T.: Analysis of dependence among growth rates of GDP of V4 countries using 4-dimensional vine copulas. In Data Analysis and Applications 2: Utilization of Results in Europe and Other Topics, Hoboken (USA): John Wiley & Sons, (2019), pp. 37-47.

  3. Mesiar, R., Kolesárová, A., Stupňanová, A., Yager, R.R.: Normed utility functions: Some recent advances. In New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Innovative Applications and Case Studies, Cham: Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 133-149.

AED: Vedecké práce v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch/monografiách

  1. Ždímalová, M., Zatkalík, D., Weismann, P., Kubíková, E., El Falougy, H.: Vhodná segmentácia obrazu - nutnosť pri kvalitnej analýze obrazu v medicíne. In Anatómia - 100 rokov LF UK, Trebiškov: k-PRINT, (2019), pp. 190-194.

AFC: Publikované príspevky an zahraničných vedeckých konferenciách

  1. Armentia, J., Rodríguez, I., Fumanal Idocin, J., Bustince, H., Minárová, M., Jurio, A.. Gravitational clustering algorithm generalization by using an aggregation of masses in Newton Law. In New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 172-182.

  2. Asici, E., Mesiar, R.: The relation between F-partial order and distributivity equation. In New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 106-114.

  3. Bacigál, T., Komorníková, M., Komorník, J.: Analysis of relationship among V4 countries and Germany by their gross domestic products and copula models. In New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 232-243.

  4. Bielek B., Krajčík, M., Buday, P., Macák, M.: Two-stage system for utilization of renewable solar energy in modern building facade technology. In Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building: proceedings, Bristol: IOP Publishing, (2019), art.no. 12070, pp. [8].

  5. Bodjanova, S., Kalina, M.: Uninorms on bounded lattices with given underlying operations. In New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 183-194.

  6. Bustince, H., Fernandez, J., Horanská, Ľ., Mesiar, R., Stupňanová, A.: On some generalizations of the Choquet integral. In New Trends in Aggregation Theory: 10th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature Switzerland AG, (2019), pp. 151-159.

  7. Čerpek, J., Bielek, B., Buday, P., Macák, M., Klem, J., Krajčík, M.: Optimization of air cavity of a double-skin transparent façade for HVAC strategy. In Advances Building Skins: proceedings of the 14th conference, Lucerne: Advanced Building Skins, (2019), pp. 80-89.

  8. Ďurigová, M., Ballová, D., Hlavčová, K.: Analysis of monthly discharges in Slovakia using hydrological exploratory methods. In Proceedings of 3rd International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences, Basel: MDPI, (2019), art.no. 5824, pp. [7].

  9. Franek, M., Macák, M., Hubová, O.: A CFD approach as a base wind study of pressure distribution on the complex building. In Proceedings of 27th SVSFEM ANSYS Users' Group Meeting and Conference 2019, Brno: SVS FEM, (2019), pp. 18-24.

  10. Franek, M., Macák, M., Hubová, O.: The use of a plastic mesh fabrics for reduction of the wind loads. In Nové poznatky ve vědě a výzkumu z oblasti pozemního stavitelství: 43. mezinárodní vědecká conference kateder a ústavů pozemního stavitelství, Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, (2019), pp. 32-37.

  11. Hliněná, D., Kalina, M.: A characterization of uninorms by means of a pre-order they induce. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Paris: Atlantis Press, (2019), pp. 595-601.

  12. Hubová, O., Macák, M.: Optimal design of building for urban wind energy utilization. In World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium: proceedings, Bristol: IOP Publishing, (2019), art.no. 62042, pp. [9].

  13. Jin, L., Kalina, M., Mesiar, R., Borkotokey, S., Špirková, J.: Generalized phi-transformations and n-uninorms. In CoDIT 2019: 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Danvers: IEEE, (2019), pp. 506-511.

  14. Kalina, M.: Uninorms and nullnorms and their idempotent versions on bounded posets. In Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence: proceedings of the 16th International Conference, MDAI 2019, Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature, (2019), pp. 126-137.

  15. Knor, M., Majstorović, S., Škrekovski, R.: Some results on Wiener index of a graph: an overview. In Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Combinatorial Days, Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, (2019), pp. 49-56.

  16. Kolesárová, A., Mesiar, R.: Fuuzy implicators related to (quasi-)copulas. In Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Paris: Atlantis Press, (2019), pp. 235-240.

  17. Macák, M., Bielek, B.: Influence of the temperature in the ventilated double-skin transparent façade. In Proceedings of 27th SVSFEM ANSYS Users' Group Meeting and Conference 2019. Brno: SVS FEM, (2019), pp. 11-17.