Working team

Where we work:

Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Slovak University of Technology
Radlinského 11, 810 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Members of our team:

Ing. Róbert Čunderlík, PhD.
Researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
E-mail: cunderli[at]
Ing. Michal Kollár, PhD.
Researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
E-mail: michal.kollar[at]
doc. Ing. Marek Macák, PhD.
Head of the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
E-mail: marek.macak[at]
prof. RNDr. Karol Mikula, DrSc.
Deputy head of the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
E-mail: karol.mikula[at]
doc. Ing. Zuzana Minarechová, PhD.
Researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
E-mail: zuzana.minarechova[at]