List of invited plenary speakers (with preliminary titles):

Mario Arioli (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom)

Numerical sparse linear algebra and interpolation spaces

David Bader (Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA)

Massive-scale graph analytics

Clint Dawson (University of Texas, Austin, USA)

Numerical methods for coastal ocean modeling with applications to hurricane storm surge

Laurence Halpern (University Paris 13, France)

Perfectly matched layers, mythes and reality

Ron Kimmel (Technion, Haifa, Israel)

Axiomatic approach for shape analysis

Petr Knobloch (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

Stabilized methods for convection-diffusion equations

Shigetoshi Yazaki (Meiji University, Japan)

Discretization of moving boundary problems and discretized moving boundary problems

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